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tamoadmin 2024-05-31 人已围观

简介1.读后续写的基本标准2.如何做高考英语阅读理解推断题3.浙江英语高考中的续写可以用到哪些高级句式? (示例1)曹雪芹家道巨变,却磨炼出傲岸的风骨;备受冷遇,却迸发出创作的激情;绳床瓦灶,却熔铸成生命的华章。“十年辛苦不寻常”终换来彪炳千秋的文学巨著,这难道不是苦难带给他的人生意义吗?(示例2)贝多芬童年不幸,却不曾破灭人生的梦想;恋人远离,却不曾消逝心中的激情;耳疾侵扰,却不曾消泯对音乐的执著











One day, 有一天

Early in the morning, 一大早 late in the afternoon 临近傍晚

One Sunday afternoon 一个星期天下午

the other day = a few days ago 几天前

The next/following day,… 第二天(一般过去时)

Just then, … = Just at that moment 正在那时,…

After that, =Later on, …. Then … 然后,…

After a while, …一会儿以后

about half an hour later, ... 大约半小时以后

In the end/ at last/ finally,… 最后

from then on, 从那以后,

from now on 从今以后



1. Tears of joy flooded her eyes as she prayed silently: ….”

2. Her face brightened up/lit up (with pleasure).

3. Though cleaning up the rubbish was a tough task, our hearts were filled with joy.

4. My birthday always makes me feel cheerful.

5. I was pleased beyond description/words that I got this job.

6. He was wearing a happy expression even though he was really worried.

7. The smile on her face shone like a diamond.

8. A smile of understanding flashed across his face.9

9. I was pleased beyond description.






广告 高分速读-专注少儿素质教育,总部位于誉有"中国硅谷"之称的中关村科 查看详情 >





1.推断隐含意义的提问方式 It can be inferred from the text that . according to…, we can infer that . From the text we know that …is most likely . When the writer talks about …, what the writer really means is . The writer suggests that . The story implies that . We can infer [conclude] from the passage that . 这类题干中通常常含有infer, suggest, imply, conclude, intend, purpose, be likely to…等标志性词语。

2. 干扰项的设置特点 在通常情况下,这类试题的干扰项具有以下特点:或是文章中直接用于表达细节的信息,或是文章中无关紧要或片面推出的结论,或是与文章内容完全相反的结论,或是不合常理或不合逻辑的结论等。

3. 答题误区 同学们在做类题目时,很容易误选文段中直接用于表达信息的选项或表示片面结论的选项。

4. 技巧点拨 一是要全面分析所有相关信息,切忌片面思考,得出片面结论。二是要忠实原文,切忌脱离原文,凭空臆断。三是注意不要选择表层信息答案,应该立足由已知推断未知。

5. 实例分析(江西卷)

A stronger argument comes from research into school results. Girls grow up earlier than boys, tend to be more orderly and are likely to be better at languages. In a mixed class, boys who might do well in a single-sex class become discouraged and take on the rule of troublemaker. Certainly in the UK this situation has greatly alarmed(惊动) the government for it to be encouraging co-educational schools to have some single-sex classes. In the UK the best schools are all single-sex, strongly suggesting that co-education is not the best answer. This may, however, not be as simple as it looks. It may simply be that the famous old schools that attract the best students happen to be single-sex, rather than that being single-sex makes them better schools. ●At the end of the passage the writer suggests that ________. A. single-sex schools are the best schools in the UK B. being single-sex does not necessarily make a school better C. co-educational schools are better for both sexes in personal development D. because boys cannot compete with girls in study, they go to single-sex schools

解题思路分析答案选 B。

作者在罗列In a mixed class, boys who might do well in a single-sex class become discouraged and take on the rule of troublemaker和In the UK the best schools are all single-sex等事实后,得出了It may simply be that the famous old schools that attract the best students happen to be single-sex, rather than that being single-sex makes them better schools这个结论。要做对上面这道题,正确理解文章末尾这句结论性的句子至关重要。这里尤其要注意句中的rather than这个关键性词语,它的意思是“而不是”,用于否定或排除其后引出的内容。故只有选项B最合适。


1. 提问方式 The writer’s attitude toward… is______. The writer thought that______. according to the author ______.

2. 干扰选项 此类试题的干扰项通常具有以下特点:或是自己的某种看法或观点,或是社会的一种普遍种倾向,或是与本文无关或与作者相反的观点或看法等。

3. 答题误区 容易误选与自己的看法相吻合的选项。

4. 技巧点拨 注意作者在文中的措辞,尤其是表达感情色彩的形容词、副词、动词及所举的例子,才能推断出作者的弦外之音。

5. 实例分析(江西卷) Just as crying can be healthy, not crying—holding back tears of anger, pain or suffering—can be bad for physical(身体的) health. Studies have shown that too much control of emotions can lead to high blood pressure, heart problems and some other illnesses. If you have a health problem, doctors will certainly not ask you to cry. But when you feel like crying, don’t fight it. It’s a natural—and healthy—emotional response(反应). ●according to the author, which of the following statements is true? A. Crying is the best way to get help from others. B. Fighting back tears may cause some health problems. C. We will never know our deep feelings unless we cry. D. We must cry if we want to reduce pressure.


作者在文章中说Studies show that too much control can lead to high blood press, heart problems and other illnesses,即过多地忍住情感(如忍住不哭等)有可能会导致健康问题。

1. Hearing / Seeing / Feeling …., he/she….(句首)

2. What made the(精) man feel delighted/u(锐)pset/frightened/depressed/astonished was that …..(情感)

3. Without your assistance, I wouldn’t have succeeded/ survived.(结尾)

4. Only ….. did he/ she realize that ……(道理)

5. Related to this is the truth that we should ….(总结)

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