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tamoadmin 2024-05-19 人已围观

简介2022年我国将全面实行新高考方案,英语实行社会化考试,一年可以参加两次考试,考生可以分别在4月和6月参加两次外语考试,取考试成绩高的那一次计入最终高考英语成绩。 英语科目包括听力测试和笔试测试。考生英语高考总成绩为两次听力考试最高成绩与笔试考试成绩之和。 其中,听力考试安排在高三上学期末进行,可有效避免雷电等恶劣天气对考试的影响,笔试安排在6月份国家统一高考期间进行。 此次改革在一定程度上







 In 20xx, it has been said that the College Entrance Exam will be reformed by Education Ministry, people have waited for the outcome these days, it is a great thing for the students, because it will decide their future. Now, the reform has come out, in the future, there will be no separation between liberal art and science, this decision has good side and bad side.


 On the one hand, it can improve students’ overall education. Since there will be no separation between liberal art and science, students need to pay attention to overall education, they must learn all the subjects. The overall education is popular in western education, the students take part in activity, making themselves learn more skills. I believe our education can catch up with western education.


 On the other hand, everyone has their talent in some subjects, it is hard for student to learn all the subjects. For most girls, they are good at liberal art, while for boys, most of them are interested in science. If they have to learn all the subjects, they can’t focus their attention on their advantaged subjects.

 另一方面,每个人在一些科目都有他们的天分,对学生来说,很难去学习所有的科目。对于大部分女孩子来说,他们擅长文科,然而对于男孩子来说,他们中的大部分人都对理科感兴 趣。如果他们学习所有的科目,他们无法集中精力在他们的优势科目上。

 In all, it needs time for students to get used to the reform, I believe it will do good to students’ future development.


文章标签: # the # 高考 # 改革