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简介1.高考英语语法考点总结2.高考英语必考的内容3.高考英语语法:高中英语语法-高三英语知识点综合训练34.成人高考英语必考知识点5.高考英语知识点代词归纳 时态(tense)是一种动词形式,不同的时态用以表示不同的时间与方式。它是表示行为、动作、状态在各种时间条件下的动词形式,在英语中有16种时态。我在这里整理了相关资料,希望能帮助到您。  高考英语语法填空进行时态知识点  进行











 过去将来进行时(future-in-the-past continuous tense)表示在对过去某一时间而言的将来某一时刻或某一段时间正在进行的动作。

 1)过去将来进行时的形式由should be(第一人称)或wonld be(第二、三人称)加现在分词构成。美国英语一律用wonld。



 He asked me what I should be doing at ten the next day.他问我第二天十点钟我将干什么。

 They said that they would be expecting us the next week.他们说他们下个星期等我们去。


 He said he could not come because he would be haying a meeting.他说他不能来,因为要开会。




 We read newspapers every day.我们每天读报。

 She is now reading the newspaper.她现在正在读报。


 He sings well.他唱得很好。

 He is singing a folk song.他在唱一首民歌。

 [注] 并不是所有的动词都能用进行时态,例如表达状态、感情和感觉的某些动词,通常只能用一般时态而不能用进行时态,例如"know"(知道)一般就不能用进行时态。这类动词还有be(是),have(有),1ove (爱),hate(恨),want(想要),1ike(喜欢),think(认为),believe(相信),see(看见),hear(听见)等。



 What are you doing?

 -I'm doing some washing.你在干什么?--我在洗衣服。

 Look! It is snowing.瞧!下着雪哩。

 She is drawing a map.她在画一张地图。

 Are they listening to the music?

 -NO,they are listening to the radio.他们在听音乐吗?--不,他们在听收音机。


 He is working on a paper.他在写一篇论文。

 They are compiling a dictionary.他们在编一本词典。


 He is corning to see you tomorrow.他明天要来看你。

 They are going to the Ming tombs this coming Sunday.这个星期天他们要到十三陵去。

 They are taking the children to the zoo on Sunday.他们星期天要带孩子们去动物园。

 What are you doing next Sunday? I'm going on a picnic with my wife and daughter.这个星期天你要干什么?我要和妻子和女儿去野餐。


 过去进行时(past continuous tense)表示过去某一时刻或某段时间正在进行的动作。如:

 I was practicing the violin at eight o'clock yesterday evening. 昨晚八点钟我正在练习小提琴。

 When Walter arrived home,his sister was doing her homework.沃尔特到家时,他妹妹正在做作业。

 Pat was watching TV all evening. 帕特整个晚上都在看电视。


 过去进行时由was(第一、三人称单数)或were (其余各人称和数)加现在分词所构成。



 She was reading an English magazine when I came in.我进来时她在看一本英文杂志。

 It was getting dark.天黑了。

 They were working all day yesterday.他们昨天整天工作。

 We were cleaning the auditorium from 7 to 9 last night.昨晚七点到九点我们在打扫大礼堂。

 I met him when he was crossing the street.他过街时我碰见他。



 They wanted to know when we were leaving for Shanghai. 他们想知道我们什么时候到上海去。

 She asked whether he was starting then ext day.她问他是否第二天就动身。


 They said they were going to set up a nursery.他们说他们要设立一个托儿所。

 She said the foreign guests were going to visit the Shanghai in dustrial Exhibition.她说外宾要去参观上海工业展览会。

 The monitor announced that our new teacher was going to speak to us.班长宣布新老师要跟我们讲话。


 It was a dark night. The wind was blowing hard and the rain was falling heavily. A young woman suddenly appeared on the riverbank. it was Xier. She had just escaped from Huang Shiren's house.那是一个漆黑的夜晚。风刮得很厉害,雨下得很大。一个年轻妇女突然出现在河岸上。这就是喜儿。她刚从黄世仁的家里逃了出来。



 We built a bridge last winter.去冬我们修了一座桥。(意即去冬我们做了这件事,桥已经修好了。)

 We were building a hydro-electric station last winter.去冬我们在修水电站。(意即去冬我们一直在修水电站,修完与否不详)

 I wrote a letter home last night. 昨晚我写了一封家信。(意即)昨晚我做了这件事,信写完了。)

 I was writing a letter to my pen friend in America last night. 昨晚我在给我的美国笔友写信。(意即昨晚我一直在写信,不一定写完)


 1. appear:v.出现 ? (appearance)n.外貌;出现

 2. give - gave - given 给

 3. think - thought - thought 认为


 4. leave - left - (left)留下

 5. close:adj.近的 ? (closely) adv.近

 6. tradition:n.传统 ? (traditional) adj.传统的

 nutrition:n.营养 ? (nutritional) adj.有营养的

 nature:n.自然 ? (natural) adj. 自然的

 person:n.个人 ? (personal) adj.个人的?(personally)adv.就个人而言

 7. happy:adj.高兴的 ? (happiness) n.幸福 ? (happier) adj.更高兴的 ?(happier为happy的比较级,be happy with ... 对...满意)

 8. color:n.颜色,彩色 ? (colorful) adj.彩色的

 care:n.护理 ? (careful) adj.小心的 ? (carefully) adv. 小心

 use:n.用处 ? (useful)adj.有用的

 wonder:v.想知道;n.奇迹 ? (wonderful)adj.精彩的? (wonderfully) adv.极好地

 9. luck:n.运气 ?(lucky)adj.幸运的 ? (luckily) adv.幸运的是 ? (unluckily) adv.不幸运的是(but提示)

 10. fortune:n.运气 ? (fortunately) adv.幸运的是 ?(misfortune)n.不幸

 ? (unfortunately) adv.不幸运的是(but提示)

 11. eat:v.吃 ? (eating)(为eat的动名词) n.吃? eat - ate - eaten

 12. call:v.把...称为 ? (called) (为call的过去分词)

 13. grow - grew - grown 生长 ? (growth) n.生长

 14. especial:adj.尤其的,特殊的 ? (especially) adv.尤其

 15. sell - (sold) 卖; buy - (bought) 买

 16. main:adj.主要的 ? (mainly) adv.主要

 17. educate:v.教育 ? (education) n.教育

 18. feel - (felt) 感到;fall - (fell) 落下

 19. practice:v./n.练习 ? (practically) adv. 实际上

 20. recover:v.恢复 ? (recovery) n.痊愈

 21. survive:v.幸存 ? (survival)n.幸存 ? (survivor)n.幸存者

 22. understand - understood - understood 理解 ? (misunderstand) 误解

 23.(responsible) adj.有责任感的 ? (responsibility)n.责任感 ? be responsible for 对...负责

 24. able:adj.有能力的 ? (ability) n.能力

 25. honest:adj.诚实的 ? (honestly) adv.诚实地 ?(honesty)n.诚实

 26. fool:v.愚弄;n.傻瓜 ? (foolish) adj.愚蠢的

 27. dead:adj.死的 ? (deadly) adj. 致命的

 28. tell - told - told 告诉;sell - (sold)

 29. avail:v.有益 ? (available) adj.可利用的

 reason:n.原因 ? (reasonable) adj. 合情合理的

 30. please:v.使...高兴;请 ? (pleased)adj. 高兴的 ? (pleasure) n.愉悦 ?(pleasant)adj.令人愉快的

 31. accept:v.接受 ? (acceptance) n.认可,接受

 32. win - won 赢;differ:v.不同 - (different) adj.不同的

 33. break - broke - broken 打碎

 34. wear - (wore) - worn 穿

 tear - (tore) - torn:v.撕破;流泪 n.眼泪

 35. loss:n.损失 ? lose:v.丢失;迷失 ? lost:adj.迷路的;丢失的

 36. wood:n.木材 ? (woody) adj.木质的

 37. regular:adj.有规律的,定期的 ? (regularly) adv.定期

 38. possible:adj.可能的 ? (possibly) adv.可能地

 probable:adj.可能的 ? (probably) adv.可能地

 terrible:adj.可怕的 ? (terribly) adv.可怕地

 simple:adj.简单的 ? (simply) adv.简直;简单地

 39. surprise:n.惊喜;v.使吃惊 ? (surprisingly) adv.惊人地

 increase:v.增加 ? (increasingly) adv. 日益增加地

 40. actual:adj.实际的 ? (actually) adv.实际上

 41. sudden:adj.突然的 ? (suddenly) adv.突然

 42. fall- (fell) - fallen 落下

 43. build - built - (built) 修建 (rebuild:v.重建)

 44. slow:adj.慢的;v.减慢 ? (slowly) adv.慢地

 45. blood:n.血液 ? (bleed) v.流血

 46. effect:n.效果 ? (affect) v.影响

 have an effect on sb 对...有影响

 47. perform:v.表演 ? (performer) n.表演者 ? performance n.表演

 48. decide:v.决定 ? (decision) n.决定

 49. contribute:v.贡献 ? (contribution)n.奉献(to)

 50. develop:v.发展 ? (development)n.发展(with)

 51. assist:v.帮助 ? (assistant)n.助手

 52. arrive:v.到达 ? (arrival)n.到达




 1. abroad 国外

 2. absencen. 缺席(absent adj.)

 3. accepted 公认的,可接受的

 4. accident 事故(accidental adj. 偶然的;accidentally adv. 偶然地)

 5. achievement 成就(achieve v. 获得)

 6. address 地址

 7. admire 钦佩

 8. admit 承认

 9. agreement 协议

 10. agriculture 农业(agricultural adj. 农业的)

 11. altogether 总共

 12. ancient 古代的

 13. announce 宣布

 14. anxiety 忧虑(anxious adj. 焦急的;anxiously adv. 焦急地)

 15. apologize v. 道歉(apology n. 道歉;apologetic adj. 道歉的;apologetically adv. 道歉地)

 16. apologize/apologise v. 道歉

 17. appreciate 感激/欣赏(感激人用thank sb;谢谢某人做的事用appreciate sth.)

 18. Asian n. 亚洲人 adj. 亚洲的;亚洲人的

 19. assistant 助手

 20. astonish 吃惊(astonishment n. 吃惊;astonishing adj. 令人吃惊的;astonished adj. 感到吃惊的)

 21. astronaut 宇航员

 22. atmosphere 气氛,大气层

 23. attempt 尝试(可作名词也可作动词)

 24. attentively 专心地

 25. attentively 专心地

 26. attitude 态度

 27. attract 吸引(attraction n.吸引力,具有吸引力的人或物)

 28. average 平均

 29. average 平均

 30. balance 平衡

 31. beauty 美(beautiful adj.)

 32. believe 相信(belief n. 信念,其复数是beliefs)

 33. beyond 超过

 34. biology 生物

 35. birthday 生日

 36. bravery 勇敢

 37. broadcast 广播(过去式、过去分词同原形)

 38. broadcast 广播(过去式、过去分词同原形)

 39. carefully 小心(carefully adv.)

 40. ceiling 天花板

 41. celebrate 庆祝,赞美

 42. celebration 庆祝(celebrate n.)

 43. century 世纪

 44. challenge 挑战

 45. character 性格

 46. charge 收费

 47. cinema **院

 48. comfort v.&n. 安慰,使舒适(comfortable adj. 舒适的;comfortably adv. 舒适地)

 49. comfortably adv. 舒适地

 50. comment 评论
























1) 一般形式:He decided to work harder in order to catch up with the others.

被动形式: He preferred to be assigned some heavier work to do.

语法功能: 表示与谓语动词同步发生

2) 完成形式:He pretended not to have seen me.

被动形式:The book is said to have been translated into many languages.





3)不定式充当名词功能---To see is to believe.


1)感官动词 see, watch, observe, notice, look at, hear, listen to, smell, taste, feel

+ do 表示动作的完整性,真实性;

+ doing 表示动作的连续性,进行性

I saw him work in the garden yesterday.


I saw him working in the garden yesterday.


" 感官动词后面接形容词而不是副词:The cake tastes good; It feels comfortable.

2) 使役动词 have bid make let 等词后不定式要省略但同1)一样被动以后要还原to

I 'd like to have John do it.

I have my package weighed.

Paul doesn't have to be made to learn.

3) help help sb do help sb to do help do help to do


want,wish,hope,manage,promise,refuse,pretend,plan, offer,decide,agree,expect allow sb to do, cause sb to do , permit sb to do, enable sb to do

force sb to do. be more likely to do love to do warn sb to do be able to do

be ambitious to do. begin to do . start to do

We agreed _______ here,but so far she hasn't turned up yet.(NMET


A.having met B.meeting C.to meet D.to have met (Key:C)

五) 有的时候to后面要接-ing形式

accustom (oneself) to; be accustomed to; face up to; in addition to; look forward to; object to; be reduced to; resign oneself to; be resigned to; resort to; sink to; be used to; be alternative to; be close/closeness to; be dedication/dedicated to; be opposition/opposed to; be similarity/similar to.

三、need/want 后的-ing形式具有被动的意思。其中,want不太常用。

He needs (a lot of) encouraging.

二. 动名词: 具有动作性特征的名词

1)是名词 seeing is believing

2)具有动词性特征可以带宾语 starving troops is necessary.


一般形式:I don't like you smoking.

完成形式:I regret not having taken your advice.

被动形式:This question is far from being settled.

二) 动名词常考的点




I would appreciate_______ back this afternoon.(MET 1992)

A.you to call B.you call C.you calling D.you're calling(Key:C your calling 也对)

I regret not having taken your advice.


admit; appreciate; avoid; celebrate; consider; contemplate; defer; delay; deny; detest; discontinue; dislike; dispute; enjoy; it entails; escape; excuse; explain; fancy; feel like; finish; forgive; can't help; hinder; imagine; it involves; keep; it means; mention; mind; miss; it necessitates; pardon; postpone; practice; prevent; recall; report; resent; resist; risk; suggest; understand...


it's no good; it's no/little/hardly any/ use; it's not/hardly/scarcely use; it's worthwhile; spend money/time; there's no; there's no point in; there's nothing worse than; what's the use/point...


remember, forget, try, stop, go on, cease, mean后面用不定式和-ing形式,意义截然不容。

I remembered to post the letters. (指未来/过去未来的动作)

I remembered posting/having posting the letters (我记得这个动作)

forgot remember的用法类似。

I regret to inform you that… 我很遗憾地通知你…

I regretted having left the firm after twenty years. 为了"二十年前的离开"而遗憾。

try to 努力 You really must try to overcome your shyness.

try -ing 试验 Try practicing five hours a day.

I mean to go, but my father would not allow me to. [打算、想]我想去,但我父亲不让我去。

To raise wage means increasing purchasing power. [意味着]赠加工资意味着增加购买力。



3 分词:



1)一般式: Do you see the man talking to the dean(主任)? (与谓语动词同步发生)

2)完成形式:Not having made adequate preparations, they failed. (发生谓语动词之前)

3)完成被动形式:Having been adapted, the script seems perfect.( 发生谓语动词之前且表示被动)


1) 过去分词表示被动:Fight no battle unprepared.

2)过去分词的进行形式:You'll find the topic being discussed everywhere. (强调正在被做)





一、用"情态动词+have +done"结构表示对过去动作的推测,高考试题中常用过去时态或过去的时间状语给以暗示。情态动词的这一用法可以用 "对立统一"来概括。


must have done:

表示对过去动作的肯定推测,常译作"一定做了……",只能用于肯定句中。其否定形式为can't/couldn't have done?

疑问式为Can/Could...have done?。

could /might have done:表示对过去发生的动作的可能性推测,常译作"可能做了……"。如:

1) My sister met him at the Grand Theater yesterday afternoon, so he

_____ your lecture. ?(上海 2000)

A. couldn't have attended

B. needn't have attended

C. mustn't have attended

D. shouldn't have attended


2) Jack ____ yet, otherwise he would have telephoned me. (上海'97

A. mustn't have arrived

B. shouldn't have arrived

C. can't have arrived

D. need not have arrived (C)

2.当试题的前后句在动作和意义上构成转折关系时,常借助"but, however, instead"等词来表示过去的动作与客观事实不符,这时我们就可以用"对立"关系来解决这样的试题。这种结构常见的有:

should have done / ought to have done:表示过去本应该做某事而实际上没有做。

should not have done / ought not to have done:表示过去本不应该做某事但事实上却做了。




" 最自然的虚拟状态:由should/would+原型时态(不含时间只含状态)




一些常见的句型中,就会出现这种虚拟语气,而处于从句之中,should 常常被省略掉

o suggest, advise, propose, recommend, plan;

o demand, order, direct, arrange, command, decide;

o require, request;

o think, expect, believe, insist, suspect.




It's suggested that…

My suggestion is that…

The only suggestion that...

The only suggestion I can give you now is that…


important; necessary; essential

It's natural ; strange; incredible that

a pity; a shame; no wonder

? 由lest, for fear that, in case 引起的从句中多使用should

" 表达与事实相反

1. 与现在相反:使用[过去时]:

I wish I were not here! (一般现在'一般过去)

Suppose we were not here.

He loved me as if I were his own son. (一般现在'一般过去)

Hope I weren't always losing things! (现在进行'过去进行)

If only/If I hadn't been there! (现在完成'过去完成)

What if I hadn't been waiting right here! (现在完成进行'过去完成进行)

常考句型:It's (high) time (that)…; would rather (that)…


2. 与过去相反:过去完成时;

3. 与将来相反?将来的事情没有发生,所以只能推测且实现可能很小

I wish he could not smoke any more.

不过,由于可以用be to表示将来;所以,虚拟语气中经常出现were to;也是CET-4的常考语法点。

" 虚拟条件句

o if 部分,做一个与事实相反的假设(所以只有一般过去和过去完成)

o 主句部分,这是表示基于这个假设的推测,一般使用情态动词would,少数情况下使用could/might/should。

o 注意:两个部分之间,是有逻辑关系,而在两部分的谓语动词时态上,没有必然的联系。

" 注意,虚拟条件句中的if可以省略,造成were/had提前,产生倒装。

" 隐含的非真实条件 :由特殊的词给出条件: with, without, in , but for, otherwise, or

How could I be happy without you? In his shoes, I would kill myself.

But for the storm, we would have arrived.



1. 主谓一致(与插入语无关)




n. + together with n2

as well as


along with

with / of

accompanied with / by

4就近原则:n1 or n2 +v(就近原则)

either n1 or n2

5可数n1 and 可数n2+v(pl)

不可数n1 and 不可数n2+v(pl)

例外:war and peace is… war and peace是一个整体


The iron and steel industry is very important to our country.

The head master and mathematical teacher is coming.

The head master and the mathematical teacher are coming.

类似的还有:law and order bread and

butter black and white

To love and to be loved is …

A lawyer and a teacher are…

A lawyer and teacher is …

6随后原则:not A but B / not only A but also B+v.(与B一致)

7百分比结构:most , half , rest , some , majority , one+persent



a)There be +n 由名词决定动词

b)Among , between等介词位于句首引起倒装结构:

Among / Between …+系动词+n. (由名词决定动词)




The good is always attractive.

10 To do/doing/主从+vs

*More than one+n

many a +n.

a day or two


1 全部倒装

是只将句子中的谓语动词全部置于主语之前。此结构通常只用与一般现在时和一般过去时。常见的结构有:Up went the plane = the plane went up.

1) here, there, now, then, thus等副词置于句首, 谓语动词常用be, come, go, lie, run。

2) 表示运动方向的副词(back, down, off, up)或地点状语置于句首,谓语表示运动的动词。

注意:1) 上述全部倒装的句型结构的主语必须是名词,如果主语是人称代词则不能倒装。Here he comes. Away they went. 2) 谓语动词是be的时候,不能倒装。 Here it is. Here you are.

3) 形容词短语/分词短语位于句首,引起倒装

*typical of characteristic of

*coinciding with + n

4) 表示地点范围的介词短语位于句首,谓语动词为系动词,一定引起倒装



*常考介词要倒装:among between in at beneath

常考的系动词:be lie exist remain rest


1. 否定 adv 位于句首,引起倒装:not only, not until, hardly, scarcely,

seldom, rarely, no sooner…than

1) not until + 时间 + 主谓倒装,not until + 句子+主谓倒装

2) only+状语位于句首

only +ad. eg: recently

prep.短短语 eg: in recently years

从句 eg: when clause


3) 在比较级结构中,than后面可以倒装,也可以不倒装。

部分倒装是指将谓语的一部分如助动词或情态倒装至主语之前。如果句中的谓语没有助动词或情态动词,则需添加助动词do, does或did,并将其置于主语之前。

? 1) Neither, nor, so 表示前面句子的共同否定或者肯定,产生倒装,一般主动词提前,谓语动词的其他部分就

4) as / though引导的让步从句必须将表语或状语提前 (形容词, 副词, 分词, 实义动词提前)。

as〔让步〕虽然,尽管〔词序倒装。语气比 though 强〕。

Successful as he is, he is not proud. 他虽成功,却不骄傲。

Women as she is, she's every brave.

Try hard as he will, he never seems able to do the work satisfactorily.

注意:A) 句首名词不能带任何冠词。B) 句首是实义动词, 其他助动词放在主语后。如果实义动词有宾语和状语, 随实义动词一起放在主语之前。

5) 其他部分倒装

a) so… that 句型中的so; such… that句型中的such位于句首时,需倒装。

So frightened was he that he did not dare to move an inch.

b) 在某些表示祝愿的句型中:May you all be happy.

c) 在虚拟语气条件句中从句谓语动词有were, had, should等词,可将if 省略,把 were, had, should 移到主语之前,采取部分倒装。Were I you, I would try it again.



? 名词性从句' 主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句、同位语从句

? 形容词性从句'定语从句

? 副词性从句'状语从句

" 常考的关系代词:that; which; who/whom/whose; where; when; what; as。

" 常见的同位语从句现行词(that之前的抽象名词):fact, idea, news, hope, conclusion, evidence, opinion, problem, thought, understanding…

" 常用的引导词

o 时间状语从句:while; when; before; whenever; as; after; till; until; since; once; ever since; as/so long as; as soon as; no sooner… than; hardly… when; scarcely/barely… when; the moment/minute/instant; on (the point of) doing…

o 地点状语从句:where; wherever

o 原因状语从句:because; since; as; seeing that; considering that; now that; in that; for fear that; lest; owing to the fact that; because of the fact that; due to the fact that…

o 方式状语从句:as; as if; as though; how; save that…

o 比较状语从句:as; than; as… as; not so… as; hardly… than;

o 结果状语从句:so that; so… that; such… that; so as to…

o 条件状语从句:if; unless; in case; so long as; so far as; provided/providing/that; supposing; granted/granting that…; giving that…

o 让步状语从句:though; although; even if; even though; whether; as; however; no matter (what, how, when); for all that; in spite of the fact that; granted that; regardless of the fact that…

o 目的状语从句:that; so that; in order that; lest; for the fear that; in case…


which 引导的定语从句结构



2)in which+完整的句子


3)名词+of which+谓语动词

of which来修饰名词,名词在定语从句中作主语,所以后面直接跟谓语动词

I have five books three of which are borrowed from Mary.

4)介词+ which +to do 其功能相当于定语从句。

The key with which to open the door is lost.


1. 如果that / which在定从中作 宾语,可以省略.

sub+vt+n+(which / that)+sub+vt



*当做题时,若发现两个名词在一起,但是似乎连不上,则一定省略that /



the way (in which) + 句子

the reason (why that)+句子 均为完整句

the time (that / when)+句子

I do remember the first time (that省) I ever heard the sweetest voice in the world.

By the time省that+句子,句子。


即:which be , who be , that be可同时省



第一、特定的状语从句引导词:although though even though when while if as






indeed的确, surely无疑, however然而, obviously显然, frankly坦率地说, naturally自然, luckily (或happily) for sb.算某人幸运, fortunately幸好, strangely奇怪, hone stly真的, briefly简单地说等。

1. Surely, she won?t go to China Telecom with you.


2. Strangely, he has not been to China Unicom. Still more strangely, he has not called me.


3. Fortunately, I found the book that I?d lost.



true真的, funny真可笑, strange to say说也奇怪, needless to say不用说, most impor tant of all最为重要, worse still更糟糕的等。

1. Strange to say (或True), he should have done such a thing.


2. Most important of all, you each over?fulfilled your own task.



in a few words(或in sum, in short)简而言之, in other words换句话说, in a sense在某种意义上, in general一般说来, in my view在我看来, in his opinion(judgment)按照他的意见(判断), in conclusion总之, in summary概括地说, in fact事实上, in the first place首先, in addition此外, of course当然, to our knowledge据我们所知, to my joy(delight, satisfaction)使我欣慰(高兴、满意)的, to their surprise(astonis hment, amazement)使他们惊奇的, to her regret (disappointment)使她遗憾(失望)的, for instance(或example)例如, as a matter of fact事实上等。


















高考综合复习:Book 1 Unit 4---6


1.take place 发生

2.so---that 如此---以致于

3.sweep sb. down 冲倒

4.pull up 拽起,停车

5.hold on to 抓住,握住

6.get on one?s feet 站起来

7.go on a holiday 度假

8.far away from 远离

9.on fire 着火

10.such as 例如

11.travel agent 旅行社

12.be caught in 遭遇到

13.think twice 三思

14.think highly of 对---评价很高

15.stare at 盯着

16.leave out遗漏

17.take off 脱下,起飞

18.go wrong 出问题

19.in all 总之

20.on the air 广播

21.make jokes about开---的玩笑

22.play a role扮演角色

23.make money 挣钱

24.owe success to sb.把成功归功于某人

25.start with 以---开始

26.a thank-you letter 一封感谢信

27.introduce---to--- 将---介绍给---

28.make a good impression 留下好印象

29.the custom of toasting 敬酒的习俗

30.apologize to sb. for sth.因为某事向某人道歉


1.Well done! 做得好!

2.You can do it! 你能行!

3.Come on! 快点!

4.It scares me. 这让我害怕。

5.Keep trying! 再试试!

6.How do you like/find---? 你认为---怎么样?

7.What do you think of---? 你认为---怎么样?

8.Excuse me. 对不起。

9.Forgive me. 请原谅。

10.I?m (very/so/terribly) sorry. 十分抱歉。

11.I?m sorry. I didn?t mean to---. 对不起,我不是有意---。

12.That?s all right./ That?s OK./ No problem. 没关系。



(1) v. 前进,推进,促进,提升

Napoleon?s army advanced towards Moscow. 那破仑的军队向莫斯科挺进了。

Two months has passed and the project has advanced.


(2) n. 前进,进展

The commander ordered to halt the enemy?s advance. 司令下令阻止敌军前进。

He?s always paying attention to the advances in medical science.


(3)in advance 预先,在---之前

I was given a month?s salary in advance. 我提前发了一个月的工资。

(4)advancedadj. 高级的,先进的

Einstein learned advanced mathematics all by himself at 13.


Few scientists could understand his advanced theory at that time.


2.seize vt.

(1) 抓住,捉住

The thief was seized by the police. 那个小偷被警察抓住了。

He seized me by the arm. 他抓住了我的胳膊。

(2) 抓住(时机)

If you get the opportunity to work abroad, you should seize it with both hands.


Seize the day, seize the hour!



The man was seized with panic. 这个人惊慌失措。

Uncontrollable laughter seized us. 我们不由自主地大笑起来了。

3.strike vt. vi. (struck, struck/stricken)

(1) 打,击,砍,敲

strike a blow 击出一拳

strike a match 划火柴

I wouldn?t dream of striking a woman. 我做梦也不会打女人。

He was so angry that he struck the table with his fist. 他气得用拳头砸桌子。

(2) 打中,击中;撞,触礁

A snow ball struck/hit him on the back of the head. 一个雪球打中了他的后脑勺。

Then my shovel struck against something metallic.



It strikes sb. that--- 忽然意识到

be struck by--- 深受感动

The funny side of the affair suddenly struck her. 她突然意识到了事情可笑的一面。

We were struck by the generosity of even the poorest citizens.


(4) 给某人某种印象

---How did it strike you? 你觉得它如何?

---It struck me as strange at the time. 我当时觉得它很古怪。


The church clock began to strike twelve. 教堂的钟开始敲12点。

(6) 突然袭击

When the snake strikes, its mouth opens wide.


I fear an earthquake will strike this area again. 我担心地震会再次发生在这一地区。

(7) 罢工 (也可用做名词)

I?m sure the bus drivers will strike/ go on strike. 我确信公共汽车司机会罢工。

(8) strike, beat, hit, tap, knock

strike 常表示用力打或敲


beat 指连续多次的打,也指有节奏的击打,还可表示打败


knock 指敲打并伴有响声,还可表示打倒、撞翻


(1) It _____ her how quiet and gentle he was.

A. beat B. hit C. struck D. knock

(2) He sat quietly in the room, listening to the rain ____ against the window.

A. beating B. hitting C. striking D. knocking

答案 C A

分析 第一题表示?使某人忽然意识到?,用strike; 第二题表示连续敲打,用beat.

4.感官动词 see, hear, find, notice, watch + 宾语 +宾补

(1) 感官动词 + 宾语 +doing, 表示宾补的动作正在发生。

We can see parrots flying along the river. 我们可以看到鹦鹉在沿着河边飞翔。

I can feel my heart beating fast. 我可以感觉到我的心跳得很快。

(2) 感官动词 + 宾语 +do, 表示宾补的动作已经完成。

I saw him cross the street. 我看见他过了马路。

I didn?t notice you enter. 我没注意你进来了。

(3) 感官动词 + 宾语 +done, 表示宾语和宾补之间是被动关系。

I found his hands tied to a tree. 我发现他的双手被绑在树上。

He saw the girl bitten by the dog. 他看到那个女孩被狗咬了。


(1) vt. 和---作战

We are fighting pollution now. 我们正在和污染作斗争。

(2) vi.

fight against 为反对---而斗争

The slaves fought against the slavery. 奴隶们为推翻奴隶制度而战。

fight for 为(争取)---而斗争

He called on the slaves to fight for freedom. 他号召奴隶们为自由而战。

fight with 同---一起战斗,与---战斗

France fought with Germany in that war. 在那场战争中法国对德国作战。

fight over 因为---而争吵

The twin sisters always fight over toys. 这对双胞胎姐妹经常因为玩具而争吵。

(3) n. 战斗,搏斗

This film is about people?s fight for right. 这部**反映了人民争取自己权利的斗争。

Our country has started a fight against corruption. 我国已经开始了一场反腐败斗争。

(4) fight, war, battle, struggle

fight 意为?战争?,指战争的动作。

They fought back in self-defence. 他们进行了自卫还击。

war 指全面战争,包含多次。

We experienced two world wars in the last century.


battle 战役,指大的、连续数小时数天的战争。

the battle of Waterloo 滑铁卢战役

struggle 指较长时间的激烈的争斗,常指肉体、精神上的战斗。

They had to struggle for their freedom. 他们不得不为自由而战。

The army struggled against Japanese Imperialist. 这部队与日本帝国主义作斗争。

6.take place, happen, break out

take place 多表示按计划或规定要发生的事情。

happen 常用词,有偶然发生之意。

break out 常指战争、火灾和疾病的爆发。


A fire broke out in his house last night. 昨晚他家里失火了。

He was in French when the Second World War broke out. 二战爆发时他在法国。

When did the traffic accident happen?交通事故是什么时候发生的?

Something strange has happened to the chemistry teacher. 化学老师出了点奇怪的事情。

When will the sports meet take place? 运动会什么时候举行?

Great changes have taken place in his hometown since 1980.


7.destroy vt.破坏,毁灭,毁掉

The school was completely destroyed by fire. 学校被大火彻底烧毁了。

That accident destroyed her ballet career. 那次事故毁掉了她的芭蕾生涯。


damage 通常指车辆、房屋、庄稼等无生命物体受到损伤或毁坏,但往往可以修复。可用作名词。

ruin 表示毁坏某种好的或有用的东西。

The chemical rain damages trees in the forests. 酸雨损害了森林中的树木。

The precious painting was ruined by spilt milk. 洒出来的牛奶毁坏了那幅珍贵的画。

The storm caused great damage to the crops. 这场风暴给庄稼造成了很大的损害。


(1) 可数名词,主要指?奖品,奖赏,奖金?,有时也指?报酬,工资?。

Meryl Streep won the best actress award. 梅丽尔斯特里普获最佳女演员奖。

The Olympic winner received a gold medal as an award. 奥运会冠军的奖品是一枚金牌。

The nurses? pay award was not as much as they had expected.


(2) vt. 给予,授予,判给

Einstein was awarded the Nobel Prize for his work in quantum physics.


The university awarded her a scholarship. 那所大学给她发了奖学金。

(3) priz 主要用于表示?获得几等奖?或?获奖金额?,常说

win a prize for---

award sb. a prize

reward 可用做名词或动词,指?报答,报偿,奖赏?。


It is widely accepted that young babies learn to do things because certain acts lead to ____.

A. rewards B. prizes C. awards D. results

答案 A

分析 该句意思为?人们普遍认为小孩子学会做事是因为这些行为会带来奖赏/回报?。

9.owe vt.


If he has borrowed some money from her, and has not paid her back, he owes her the money.


How much do I owe you? 我欠你多少钱?

We owe our parents a lot. 我们对父母感激不尽。

(2) owe sth. to sb. 感激,把---归功于---

He owes his success to our help. 他把成功归功于我们的帮助。

We owe a great deal to our parents and teachers. 我们深受父母及师长之恩。

I owe it to you that I am still alive. 我现在还活着,应该感激你。

(3) owing to由于,因为

Owing to the rain they could not come. 因为下雨,他们不能来。

Owing to the drought, crops are short. 因为天旱,收成不好。

10.live adj. 活的,生动的,精力充沛的,实况转播的

It wasn?t a recorded show; it was live. 这不是录像,是实况转播。

They gave live broadcast while the performances were in process on the stage.


The concert will be broadcast live. 这次演唱会将进行实况转播。

That is a live fish. 那是一条活鱼。

The laboratory is conducting experiments with a dozen live monkeys.


She is a live woman. 她是一位精力充沛的女人。

live 当?活的?讲时,只修饰动物,如a live mouse, a live snake

11.take off

(1) 脱掉,摘掉(反义词为put on)

I forgot to take off my make-up last night. 我昨天晚上忘了卸妆。

He took off his coat and went to sleep. 他脱下外衣睡觉了。

(2) (飞机)起飞,起跑

As the plane was taking off, I remembered I didn?t turn the iron off.


When we went to the airport, the plane had taken off. 我们到机场时,飞机已经起飞了。

(3) 休假,一般说take some time off

I?m taking Thursday off to do some Christmas shopping.


(4) 开始成功,成名

I hear the business is really taking off. 我听说生意真的开始兴隆了。

Spielberg?s career really took off when he began to shoot his short films.


(5) take in 吸收,理解;收留

take back 使回忆起;追回

take over 接管,接任

take up 开始从事;占去(时间、空间);拿起(武器)


(1)It is certain that he will ______ his business to his son when he gets old. (福建2004)

A. take over B. think over C. hand over D. go over

(2)Helen always helps her mother even though going to school ______ most of her day.


A. takes up B. makes up C. saves up D. puts up


(1) C hand sth. over to sb. ?把---传给某人?

(2) A take up ?占用时间? 《高中英语语法-高三英语知识点综合训练3》由liuxue86.com我整理




 1. abroad 国外

 2. absencen. 缺席(absent adj.)

 3. accepted 公认的,可接受的

 4. accident 事故(accidental adj. 偶然的;accidentally adv. 偶然地)

 5. achievement 成就(achieve v. 获得)

 6. address 地址

 7. admire 钦佩

 8. admit 承认

 9. agreement 协议

 10. agriculture 农业(agricultural adj. 农业的)

 11. altogether 总共

 12. ancient 古代的

 13. announce 宣布

 14. anxiety 忧虑(anxious adj. 焦急的;anxiously adv. 焦急地)

 15. apologize v. 道歉(apology n. 道歉;apologetic adj. 道歉的;apologetically adv. 道歉地)

 16. apologize/apologise v. 道歉

 17. appreciate 感激/欣赏(感激人用thank sb;谢谢某人做的事用appreciate sth.)

 18. Asian n. 亚洲人 adj. 亚洲的;亚洲人的

 19. assistant 助手

 20. astonish 吃惊(astonishment n. 吃惊;astonishing adj. 令人吃惊的;astonished adj. 感到吃惊的)

 21. astronaut 宇航员

 22. atmosphere 气氛,大气层

 23. attempt 尝试(可作名词也可作动词)

 24. attentively 专心地

 25. attentively 专心地

 26. attitude 态度

 27. attract 吸引(attraction n.吸引力,具有吸引力的人或物)

 28. average 平均

 29. average 平均

 30. balance 平衡

 31. beauty 美(beautiful adj.)

 32. believe 相信(belief n. 信念,其复数是beliefs)

 33. beyond 超过

 34. biology 生物

 35. birthday 生日

 36. bravery 勇敢

 37. broadcast 广播(过去式、过去分词同原形)

 38. broadcast 广播(过去式、过去分词同原形)

 39. carefully 小心(carefully adv.)

 40. ceiling 天花板

 41. celebrate 庆祝,赞美

 42. celebration 庆祝(celebrate n.)

 43. century 世纪

 44. challenge 挑战

 45. character 性格

 46. charge 收费

 47. cinema **院

 48. comfort v.&n. 安慰,使舒适(comfortable adj. 舒适的;comfortably adv. 舒适地)

 49. comfortably adv. 舒适地

 50. comment 评论

 51. communication 交流

 52. competition 竞赛(compete v. 竞赛;competitor 竞赛者)

 53. composition 作文

 54. concert 音乐会

 55. conclude v. conclusion n. 结论

 56. condition 情况(conditions条件)

 57. confess 坦白,公认

 58. congratulation 祝贺(congratulate v.)

 59. constantly 不断地

 60. construction 建设,建筑物

 61. continue 继续

 62. contribution 贡献(contribute v.)

 63. conveniently 方便(convenient adj.)

 64. conversation 谈话

 65. cough 咳嗽

 66. cousin n. 堂兄弟姊妹;表兄弟姊妹

 67. cruelty 残酷(cruel adj. cruelly adv.)

 68. curious 好奇的(curiosity n. 好奇)

 69. curious 好奇的(curiosity n. 好奇)

 70. customer 顾客

 71. customer 顾客

 72. custom 习俗

 73. damage 损坏

 74. declare 声明,宣布

 75. delicious 美味的

 76. destroy 毁灭(其过去式是destroyed)

 77. determined 有决心的

 78. develop 发展(development n.;developing 发展中的;developed 发达的)

 79. dialogue 对话

 80. diary 日记(dairy 奶制品)

 81. difference 不同(有复数形式)

 82. disappointed 感到失望的(disappointing 令人失望的)

 83. disappointment 失望

 84. discovery 发现(其复数是discoveries;其动词是discover;discoverer 发现者)

 85. disturb 打扰

 86. dollar 美元(其复数是dollars)

 87. downstairs 在楼下,下楼

 88. dream 梦想(其过去式是dreamed或dreamt)

 89. electricity 电(electrical 和电有关的;electric 带电的,电的)

 90. employ 雇用(employment n.;employer 雇主;employee 雇员)

 91. empty 空的,清空(可用动词,其过去式是emptied)

 92. encourage 鼓励(encouraging,encouraged,encouragement )

 93. energy 能量

 94. envelope 信封

 95. envy n. 妒忌(envious adj.)

 96. equal 平等的,相等的

 97. equipment 设备

 98. especially 尤其是

 99. essential 基本的,本质的

 100. European 欧洲人

 101. event 事件

 102. excellent 极好(excellence n. excellently adv.)

 103. exhibition 展览,展览会

 104. exhibition 展览

 105. expense 耗费,花费

 106. experience 经验(experienced 有经验的)

 107. expert 专家

 108. expression 表达

 109. failure 失败(fail v.)

 110. familiar 熟悉的

 111. familiar 熟悉的

 112. favorite 最喜爱的(即作形容词也作名词,作名词时有复数)

 113. figure 人物/数字/身材/画像,计算/认为

 114. finger 手指

 115. flight 飞行,航班

 116. forehead 前额

 117. foreign 外国的

 118. fortunately 幸运地

 119. forward 向前

 120. freezing 极冷的(frozen 冷冻的)

 121. frequently 经常地

 122. furniture 家具

 123. further 进一步的

 124. generally 一般地,大体上

 125. geography 地理

 126. Germany 德国

 127. 政府

 128. gradually 逐渐地

 129. graduation 毕业(graduate v.)

 130. grammar 语法

 131. habit 习惯

 132. handkerchiefs 手帕

 133. honesty 诚实的(honest v.)

 134. honor/honour 荣誉;尊敬

 135. imagination 想象力(imagine v.)

 136. immediate 立刻的

 137. immediately 立刻地

 138. impress 印象(impression n.)

 139. incident 小事件

 140. including 包括(include v.)

 141. indispensable 不可缺少的

 142. industry 工业(industrial adj.工业的)

 143. information 信息

 144. inspire 激励(inspiration n. inspiring adj. inspired adj.)

 145. institute 学院

 146. instrument 乐器,工具

 147. interest 兴趣,利息

 148. interrupt 打断

 149. interrupt 打断

 150. introduce 介绍(introduction n.)

 151. irregular 不规则的

 152. journey 旅程

 153. judge 判断,审判(judgment n.)

 154. kindergarten 幼儿园

 155. knowledge 知识

 156. labor/labour 劳动

 157. lately 最近

 158. laughter 笑声

 159. lawyer 律师

 160. librarian 图书馆理员

 161. loss 损失(lose是其动词形式)

 162. luckily 幸运地

 163. magazine 杂志

 164. majority 大多数

 165. majority 大多数

 166. manage 管理,设法(manager,management)

 167. market 市场

 168. marriage 结婚 (marry v. 结婚;married adj.已婚的)

 169. material 物质/材料

 170. material 物质/材料

 171. mayor 市长

 172. mean v. 意味,打算 adj. 吝啬的,卑鄙的

 173. measure 测量

 174. medal 奖章(比较:model 模型)

 175. memory 记忆力(memorize v.记住;remember v.记得)

 176. message 信息,启示

 177. metal 金属

 178. modern 现代的

 179. modest 谦虚的

 180. monitor 班长/监控

 181. moustache 胡子

 182. murder 谋杀(murderer 凶手)

 183. musician 音乐家

 184. mysterious 神秘的(mystery n.神秘)

 185. nationality 国籍(nation 国家,national国家的)

 186. naturally 自然地

 187. naughty 淘气的

 188. necessary 必需的

 189. ninth 第九

 190. normal 正常的

 191. obey 服从,遵守

 192. obviously 明显地

 193. offer 主动提出,提供,出价

 194. operation 手术,操作

 195. opportunity 机会

 196. ordinary 普通的

 197. organize/organise 组织

 198. particularly 特别是,尤其是

 199. passenger 乘客

 200. programme (美program)n. 节目;项目

 201. patience 耐心(patiently)

 202. patient 病人;耐心的

 203. perfect 完美的

 204. perform 执行;表演

 205. perhaps 也许

 206. period 时期

 207. permission 许可

 208. persuade 说服

 209. phenomena 现象

 210. physicist 物理学家

 211. pilot 飞行员

 212. poisonous 有毒的(poison)

 213. political 政治的(politics)

 214. popular 受欢迎的;流行的

 215. population 人口

 216. position 职位

 217. possibility(-ies) 可能性

 218. possible 可能的

 219. poverty 贫穷(poor)

 220. practical 实际的,实用的

 221. prepare (使)准备

 222. pressure 压力

 223. pretend 假装

 224. professor 教授

 225. profit 利润

 226. progress 进步

 227. pronunciation 发音

 228. provide 提供(比较:offer,supply)

 229. public 公众的;公立的

 230. purpose 目的;意图

 231. quality 质量

 232. quantity 数量

 233. realistic 现实的;逼真的

 234. receive 收到

 235. recently 最近

 236. recognise/recognize v. 认出;承认

 237. recognition n. 认出;承认

 238. regards 问候

 239. remind 提醒

 240. repeat(repetition) 重复

 241. respect 尊敬

 242. restaurant 餐馆

 243. satisfy 使满意(satisfied,satisfying)

 244. satisfaction 满意

 245. satisfactory 满意的

 246. Saturday 星期六

 247. scientific 科学的

 248. science 科学

 249. secretary 秘书

 250. secretly 秘密地

 251. separately 单独地

 252. separate 分开

 253. serious 严重的(seriously)

 254. service 服务

 255. shortcoming 缺点

 256. silence 安静(silent)

 257. similar 相似的

 258. similarity 相似性

 259. situation 形势/情况

 260. slightly 轻微地

 261. society 社会(social adj.社会的)

 262. southern 南方的

 263. special 特别的

 264. species 物种(单复数同形)

 265. spring 春天;泉水;弹簧;弹跳

 266. square 平方;广场

 267. steal 偷窃

 268. straight 直的,直接的

 269. suitable 合适的

 270. support 支持

 271. surprise 使惊奇

 272. surround 包围

 273. swim 游泳

 274. technique 技术(technical adj.)

 275. technology 科技

 276. temperature 温度

 277. theory 理论

 278. thirsty 口渴的

 279. thorough 彻底的

 280. total 合计

 281. traffic 交通

 282. translate 翻译

 283. translation 翻译(translator 译者)

 284. interpret 解释;翻译(interpreter 口语翻译)

 285. umbrella 伞

 286. unusually 不寻常地(unusual不寻常的)

 287. unwilling 不愿意的(willing adj. 愿意的;will n. 意志)

 288. upstairs 在楼上;向楼上

 289. vacation 假期

 290. variety n. 种类

 291. various 各种各样的

 292. victim 受害者











 经常作为正确单词出现的一般有:however、although、yet、because、but、by、of、offer、only if、as if、that、which、any、such as、something等等。

 经常作为错误单词出现的一般有:since、if only、what、in case等等。























 ● one泛指一个人或物?其复数形式为ones one和the one作同位语时,如果与其同位的词语是特指,则用the one;如果是泛指,则用one,

 ● that指代前面提到过的名词,常有后置定语 that的复数形式是those that可指代单数可数名词(= the one), 也可指代不可数名词,或指代前面提到过的一件事

 ● it可指代前面提到过的一 个名词,如例7;指代一件事,如例8;指代不明性别的婴儿或不明确的人,也可指代时间?天气?距离等0

 二、考查all, both, either, neither, none, no one的用法


 ● both表示"两个人或物都",具有肯定含义; either表示"两者中的 任何一个",如例13; neither表示"两者都不"



 would rather that somebody did…"宁愿……;更愿意……"(表示现在或将来的愿望)

 would rather that somebody had done…"宁愿……;更愿意……"(表示过去的愿望)


 I'd rather you posted the letter right now. 我想让你现在去寄信。

 I'd rather you were not a celebrated actor. In that case, we could spend more time together.


 I'd rather that I hadn't seen her yesterday. 我情愿昨天没有看到她。


 as if/though+主语+did/had done…好像……(表示现在或将来的情况用过去时;表示过去的情况用过去完成时)[参考句型4]


 Our head teacher treats us as if we were her own children, so all the students in our class think highly of her.

 Alan talked about Rome as if he had been there. Alan谈起罗马来就好像他去过那里似的。


 "wish +宾语从句",表示不大 可能实现的愿望


 表示过去的愿望:主语+had done;

 表示将来的愿望:主语+would/could do


 How I wish we students had more free time to relax ourselves! 我们学生多么希望有更多的自由时间放松自己!

 I failed in the maths exam. How I wish I hadn't wasted so much time playing!

 What a pity you can't go to the party. How I wish I could dance with you at the party!


 典例—Where does your sister work, Jack?

 —She works in a .

 A. shop of cloth  B. cloth‘s shop  C. shop with clothes  D. clothes shop

 错因分析:有些考生会因为对名词作定语的用法运用不当而错选B.其实,clothes“服装”只有复数形式,而单数形式“布店”应用shop for cloth或cloth shop,因此,根据语境可知,正确答案选D.

 名词作定语时一般用其单数形式,然而,名词parents, clothes, sports等,作定语时必须要使用其复数形式。另外,man, woman作定语时,如果中心词是单数,则用其单数形式;如果中心词是复数,则用其复数形式。

高考英语知识点代词归纳相关 文章 :

1. 高考英语复习知识点:数词、代词与连词

2. 高考英语知识点考点归纳

3. 高考英语知识点考点总结归纳

4. 高考英语语法考点总结

5. 高中英语知识点总结与归纳

6. 高考英语语法填空代词知识点与非谓语动词之分词表

7. 高中英语语法知识点整理总结

8. 高考英语知识点冲刺复习大全

9. 英语高考知识点总结归纳

10. 高考英语知识考点汇总

文章标签: # to # the # 动词