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tamoadmin 2024-07-28 人已围观

简介1.求江苏英语高考常见的短语,最好是动词+介词的类型。2.江苏高考英语作文万能句子!很急。大神来帮忙啊。3.十年一梦江苏卷4.找人推荐10篇经典的高考英语作文范文5.高考英语作文范文!急!!!6.统考英语--江苏省内各个地区统考的试卷题目是不是一样的?Passage 1(09?6?1福建)某英语报社拟成立“微笑俱乐部”,现向癸未征募会员。要求申请者提交一篇题为“I want to Smile”的英








Passage 1


某英语报社拟成立“微笑俱乐部”,现向癸未征募会员。要求申请者提交一篇题为“I want to Smile”的英语短文。请你以申请者的身份,根据以下思路图的提示用英语写一篇短文。


1. 根据思路图适当展开,以使行文连贯;

2. 词数:120左右

I Want to Smile


I Want to Smile

There are many advantages of smiling. It can not only make us hy, but also please others. If we smile at life, life will smile on us in return. So I want to smile at all whenever and wherever possible,

First, I would like to smile at my parents because they he given me life and take all the trouble to bring me up. They arrange almost everything for me. With their help, I he made great progress. I would like to say “Thank you” to them with a smile. Then my smile should go to myself, for only in this way can I gain more confidence in smiling my troubles away and live a better life.

In a word, let’s greet every day with a smile. Tomorrow is another day. Passage 2



鼠标的必要性 对多数人来说,操作计算机,上网冲浪……


点击、移动、插入、拷贝、删除…… 编辑文本,搜索信息……



如果过分依赖鼠标…… (请考生结合自身感受,列举两到三点)注意:




The mouse is a most effective device used by people to communicate with a computer.


The mouse is a most effective device used by people to communicate with a computer.

For most people, it’s almost impossible to operate a computer without a mouse, let alone surf the Internet. A well-chosen mouse is really handy, flexible and convenient in controlling the screen. With the functions of inserting, deleting, moving and copying, it enables us to edit test, browse web page and download what we want. It can even bring us a flood of music, movies and PC games. Just imagine, all this can be done with a cute mouse.

A convenient tool can certainly make our work easier, but it doesn’t always help in a positive way. Too much ready information on our fingertips lees little room for knowledge pursuing. Too many ready answers make us less excited in finding truth. Relying too much on mouse clicking makes us lazier and less creative both mentally and physically.(153 words)

Passage 3 (08?6?1湖南)



Thomas Edison Helen Keller William Shakespeare


full of wisdom ordinary but great woman;disabled;

optimistic;eager to learn writer;talented;imaginative;

man of all ages

“Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration.” “...if I had the power of sight for three days.” “Life is a stage...”


Sample 1:Thomas Edison

Born in America, Thomas Edison was a great scientist and inventor. He was once thought to be a boy who was not worth educating. In fact, he was a man full of imagination.

I admire Edison a lot because of his great contribution to the world. He had more than 1,000 inventions. In his lifetime, he was always eager to know how things worked, which helped him to earn the nickname“the Wizard of Melo Park”.He was also so diligent that he worked day and night. And this explained why he had so many great inventions.

What impresses me most is his famous saying,“Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration.”Probably I cannot be an Edison myself, but I can be a hard-working learner. From him, I realize the secret to success is not when or where you were born, but what you are doing and how you do it in your life.

Sample 2:Helen Keller

Every time I read“...if I had the power of sight for three days”,I cannot help being moved by its author Helen Keller, an ordinary but great American woman.

I admire Helen because she is optimistic about life. She became deaf and blind when she was 19 months old. Since then she lived in a world of darkness and silence, and communication seemed only a dream for her. But she never ge up and struggled to lead an active life. Under the guidance of her teacher, Ms. Sullivan, Helen learned to read and write and became a famous writer. For a disabled person like her, this was really a wonder!

Helen has set an excellent example to all of us. Her story tells us that we should value what we he, and try our best to overcome any difficulty in life.

Sample 3:William Shakespeare

Do you know Hamlet? He you read The Merchant of Venice? These two great works are both written by William Shakespeare, my forite English writer and the man of all ages!

Shakespeare, a son from a poor family, a man of little education, wrote plays and poems that are read all over the world. I like him because his comedies and tragedies bring me into a fantastic world; I love him because his poems let me enjoy the beauty of the English language; I admire him because his keen sights set me thinking and teach me how to lead a meaningful life!

Since“Life is a stage”,we are actually all actors and actresses. On this stage, everyone has his own role to play, and I will try my best to play my role well.Passage 3(06?6?1江苏)

根报道,2008年北京奥运会将选拔约十万名志愿者为之服务。请你以“Dos and Don’ts for the 2008 Olympic Volunteers”为题,用英语写一篇短文,讨论志愿者应该做什么,不应该做什么。短文应包括下表中的内容:

Dos Don’ts

1.待人礼貌友好 1.避免不得体的言行

2.坚守岗位 2.不忘履行自己的职责

3.介绍中国历史和文化 3.不损害祖国的形象






Dos and Don’ts for the 2008 Olympic Volunteers

It is reported that about 100,000 people will be chosen as volunteers for the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing . What should the volunteers do and what should they not do ?

If I he the honour to be chosen as a volunteer,


Dos and Don’ts for the 2008 Olympic Volunteers

It is reported that about 100,000 people will be chosen as volunteers for the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing . What should the volunteers do and what should they not do?

Firstly, they should be polite and friendly to the athletes and visitors from all over the world , and oid improper behiour. Secondly, they should stick to their posts , offering good services , satisfying any reasonable needs and being ready to help those in difficulty , and never fail to do their duty. Thirdly, they should introduce the Chinese culture and history to foreigners so that they may know China better , and never say or do anything that harms the image of our motherland .

If I he the honour to be chosen as a volunteer, besides the above. I will work hard and creatively, but never be lazy . I will follow the law and discipline, but never break them . I will take the opportunity to make friends with the athletes and visitors , and help make the 2008 Olympic Games a great success.

Passage 4(06?6?1湖北)








Reading Interests of Senior Middle School Students

Recent, society has been done to find out the reading interests of senior middle school students


Reading Interests of Senior Middle School Students

Recently a survey has been done to find out the reading interests of senior middle school students. In this survey, one thousand senior middle school students from ten schools in Hubei Province were interviewed. They were asked which they liked reading most among the four categories of English articles: news, stories, popular science articles and articles about learning methods.

The survey shows that more than half of the students like to read news most. Twenty-six percent of the students say that English stories are their forite. Only seven percent of the students are most interested in reading articles about learning methods. However, the number of students who enjoy reading popular science articles doubles that of those who prefer reading articles about learning methods.Passage 5(06?6?1四川)


旅游 许多世界著名的风景名胜,如九寨沟(海子:清澈见底;色彩斑斓)都江堰水利工程(2,000多年历史;仍在发挥作用)

相关信息 气候适宜;交通方便






都江堰水利工程-Dujiangyan Irrigation Project

Dear Nick, I’m glad to hear that you′re coming to Sichuan in August.

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua


I’m glad to hear that you’re coming to Sichuan in August. You’ve made the wise choice to trel here. Sichuan Province is rich in tourist attractions and enjoys many world-famous places of interest, such as Jiuzhaigou and Dujiangyan Irrigation Projcet.

Jiuzhaigou is well known for its beautiful lakes, of which the water is clear and looks colorful. It can excite visitors’ imagination. Another attraction is Dujiangyan Irrigation Project. It was built over 2,000 years ago and is still playing an important part in irrigation today. Besides, the nice weather and convenient transportation here can make your trip more enjoyable. I’m sure you’ll he a good time.

I’m looking forward to your coming.

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua


Jim,I think What(what不在句首,小写) the picture reflects to(reflect to 的反映了一定是要指有什么深层面意义的反映了,你可以用reflect表示譬如这幅画的寓意,但是这里不太合适,因为你只是首先描述直接看起来有什么,最好改成shows) us is that a man who was(is) upset& with(去掉& with,变成about) not hing got a(后面元音,用an) ideal size of(去掉of) fish.



如果用with out中间不用空格,有个词叫做without

之所以换成about,是因为upset about sth.是个固定用法,为什么什么事情而不开心。

not hing got 是英式口语,可以用,但是比较正式的说法是not hing gotten,要用过去分词

the size of sth是说什么什么的大小,这个短语的主角名词是size。但是你的句子是说他没钓到足够大的鱼,你的重点是鱼,所以说 an ideal size fish就可以啦。

I think that it is a beyond the ability of aim that the man didn't get the success.

这个句子要换一下顺序 I think that is a man who aims beyond his ability but didn't succeed.

嗯,还是这句话,初学的时候想用复杂句一定要小心再小心。来说说这句话怎么写。看你原句,你大概是想写“我觉得这是一个男人将目标定的高过他自己能力而且没成功”。首先看这句话中文主句是 “我(主)觉得(谓语)这是一个男人(宾语)”你主句前面写写对了,问题是后面的宾语没了,所以要先说a man。后面就是修饰这是怎么一个男人,这也是个独立的小句子,同样要主谓宾,who做主语,aims谓语,beyond his ability修饰谓语aims。另外因为是没成功,所以转折记得用but而不是and.

So,I suggest that we should make a reasonable aim(aim改成goal) to finish(finish有点奇怪,用achieve比较地道) step by step (rather than表示而不是) than to make(to make变成 making,rather than后面接动名词) a aim(goal) which we are not be able to realize(realize改成achieve)

















look 的常用短语:

look up … in查找

look sb. up and down 上下打量

look back to/ upon回顾

look upon…as把… 看作

look forward to期待

look through浏览; 看穿

take a new look呈现新面貌


in fear害怕地

(be) in fear of 害怕

for fear of/ that担心;生怕

concentrate 的常用短语:

concentrate on 专心…

concentrate one’s mind on 专心于…


fix one’s mind upon

focus on

put one’s heart into

focus one’s mind on


in surprise惊讶地

to one’s surprise 使某人惊讶的是

be surprise at/to do/that




pull on

put on


dress sb

2. 表示状态的有:


be in

be dressed in

he … on



care for

be keen on

be fond of

take delight in…


he much trouble / no trouble (in) doing 在…有/没有困难

take great trouble to do


put sb to the trouble of doing …


make trouble捣乱

be in (great) trouble


help sb. out of trouble



come to an end……结束

put an end to 结束……

on end竖起, 连续

in the end终于; 最后

end up (by) doing…以……结束

make both ends meet收支相抵


1. 导致

cause sth. (to do)

result in

lead to

2. 由……引起

be caused by

result from

grow out of

lie in


do / try one’s best

spare no efforts to do

take great pains to do

go all out to do

do what somebody can (do) to do

do all somebody can (do) to do


in (the ) direction of….朝……方向

under the direction of ...在……的指导下

follow the directions照说明去做


far from (being)离……要求相差很远

far from +(a place)距离某地很远

far away遥远

so far 到目前为止; 那么远

as far as sb. knows/sees据某人所知

by far



in the distance在远处

from/ at a distance从远处

keep sb. at a distance


It is no distance at all.不远


used to do过去曾经、常做

be used to doing …习惯于……

be used to do被用来做……

make good/ full use of充分利用……

come into use开始使用……

it is no use doing …干……没有用


What’s wrong with….?

What’s the matter with…?

What’s the trouble with…?

What hened (to sb.) ?


It is known to all that…主语从句,that不能省

As is known to all,定语从句,置于句首

We all know (that)后接宾语从句

Everyone knows (that)后接宾语从句

, which is known to all.非限定从句,置于句末


agree with sb. /what sb. said

agree to sth.

rove (of) sth.

in four of sth.

be agreeable to sth.

be for sth.


disagree with sb./ what sb. said

object to sth.

disrove (of) sth.

be against sth.


sign one’s name签名

sign to sb (not) to do sth.


signs of …


would rather 与 prefer 的区别


would rather do A than do B

prefer A to B

prefer to do A rather than do B

2. would rather 主语 + 过去式,表示“宁愿”

eg. I would rather you came tomorrow than today.

should prefer sb. to do sth./ should prefer 主语 + 过去式,表示“比较喜欢……”

eg. I should prefer you not to go there alone.

OR: I should prefer that you did not go there alone.


be caught in a trap落入圈套

be led into a trap中圈套

set a trap to do sth.设圈套……

be tred in sth.被…..所围困


in the grow of在….成长中

grow up长大; 成长

grow rich on靠….. 变富

grow into长成……

grow out of由…..引起/滋生出


be made up of =consist of 由……组成

make up for弥补

be made from/ of由……造成

make up编造;组成;化妆

be made into制成……

make fun of取笑; 嘲弄

make a living 谋生

supply, provide, offer 的区别:


supply / provide sb. with sth.

supply / provide sth. for sb.

supply sth. to sb.

offer sb. sth.

2. 表示“主动提出做某事”

offer to do sth.

3. 表示“倘使”、“如”

provided / providing that

= on condition that

=only if

4. 表示“满足需要”supply / meet a need.


in short supply 缺乏,不足

medical/military supply医疗/军用品

supplies of…许多


be lacking in sth. 在……不足

make up for the lack of


for/by/from/through lack of…


he no lack of不缺


do damage/harm to 对……有害

cause damage to 对……造成损害

ask for damage要求赔偿

die of 与die from 的区别

die of 表示“死于……病”或冻死、气死,或死于过度悲伤。

die of cancer/grief/hunger/anger/cold

die from表示死于外伤、事故、劳累过度。如:

die from polluted air/overwork/sword thrust


die for one’s country为国捐躯

die down熄灭、平息

die off绝种、枯死

die away消逝、静下来

die a heroic death英勇牺牲


threaten sb. with sth.用……威胁某人

threaten to do…威胁做……

under the threat of…在……的威胁下


speed up加速

at the speed of…以…..的速度

with great speed迅速


take aim at瞄准

reach an aim达到目的

aim at瞄准、针对

permit与allow 的区别


permit/allow doing sth.

permit/allow sb. to do sth.

permit /allow of sth


Time/Weather permitting, I’ll drop in on her.

allow 还可以表示“承认”、“考虑到”。例如:

1. We allow him to be wronged.

2. will take an hour to go there, allowing for traffic delays.


by means of通过….., 靠……

by this means/ in this way用这种方法

by no means/in no case决不

by all means用一切办法


keep up with紧跟…..

keep sb. doing sth.让某人一直做

keep sb. from doing sth.阻止…..做……

keep off the grass勿踏草地

keep to the point紧扣主题

keep in touch with与……保持联系


make one’s mark成功、出名

be marked with标明

gain/get full marks for ……得满分


take one’s seat坐下

he a seat请坐

see/find sb. seated看见/发现某人坐在….

be seated就座, 坐着

seat oneself in/at/on使自己坐在……

部分 动词+ to + doing 的用法

look forward to

get down to

object to

devote… to…

pay attention to



give up放弃

give in让步\屈服

give off 散发出

give away赠送、泄漏

give rise to 引起……

give out 疲劳、用完、散发出


be fit for适合

keep fit/keep healthy保持健康

be fit to do 适合于…..

fit in with适应……

a nice fit合身的衣服

…fit sb.某人穿….. 合身

reach 常用短语

reach an agreement达成协议

reach for…伸手去拿/够……

within / out of reach够得到/够不着

reach sb’s understanding 使某人明白


feed sth. to sb/feed sb. on sth. 用……喂养……

be fed up of…/ be tired of…/ be bored with…


feed on以……为食


without mercy残忍地

he mercy on /upon 对……表示怜悯

at the mercy of任凭摆布

beg for mercy 乞求饶恕


exist in/lie in/consist in存在于……

in existence 现存的

come into existence/ come into being 形成


in one’s opinion =in the opinion of sb.在某人看来

he a high/ low opinion of


give one’s opinion on



persuade sb. to do =

persuade sb. into doing


try to persuade sb. to do


persuade sb. to sth.


engage 常用短语

be engaged to sb.


be engaged in sth. =

be engaged doing sth.

忙于……, 从事某事

wide 与broad 的区别


a river 50 feet wide/ broad

指身体部位“宽肩、宽背”一般用broad, 表示


broad shoulders/ back

with wide eyes

open one’s mouth wide

wide 还可以作副词,表示“完全、大大地”

be wide awake

be wide open


be sure of/about


be sure to do sth.


make sure + that-clause


make sure of…


experience 常用短语

he experience in…


be experienced in…


pain 常用短语

take great pains to do


spare no pains to do


stick 常用短语

stick to sth.


stick …on…


be stuck in …


stick no bills


spare 常用短语

spare money/time for


in one’s spare time


spare no efforts to do


don’t spare the opinions


put down的不同含义

put down (one’s knife and fork) 放下……

pit down the rebellion


put down what sb. says


take up 的不同含义

take up a hobby


take up football


take up the work


take up…time/space


take up a post


take up a song/ cry


habit 常用短语

form/get the habit of


be in/he the habit of


get into the habit of


get rid of the habit=

grow out of the habit=

break away from the habit



1.as an old saying goes,....正如一句古老的谚语所说

2....be nothing but... ....不过就是...

3.from where i stand.... 从我的立场来说

4.give oneself a chance to.....给某人一个机会去...

5.i feel sure that...我坚信...

6....is the best way to make sure that....确保...的最好办法是...

7.we must do our absolute best to....我们必须竭尽全力做...

8.there is no denying the fect that...无可否认....

9.nothing is more+adj.+than to+v.没有比...更重要的了

10.主语+cannot emphasize the importance of....too much 再怎么强调..的重要性也不为过

11....pose a great threat to... ...对..造成了一大威胁(eg.Pollution poses a great threat to our existance.)

12.stole the spotlight from...从...获得大众的瞩目

13....touch sb. on the raw ....触到某人的痛处

14.it is not uncommon that... 这是常有的事儿。。

15it is almost impossible to do.. 。。。是很困难的

16the recent research has shown that..最近研究表明。。

17...has/he no alternative but to...除...外别无选择

18....between the devil and the deep blue sea 进退维谷,左右为难

19.content in the thought that...满足于...的想法

20(重磅出击,一般老师都会感动,这个句子可以千变万化,可以替换其中的一些词)The long,(costly strike) proved to be the last nail in the coffin for (the company),with( its history of financial problems).长时期的罢工损失巨大,再加上一直以来的财政问题,使得该公祠一蹶不振。 注:(...)都是可替换的

51. 对这一问题持有不同态度 hold different attitudes towards this issue

52. 支持前 / 后种观点的人 people / those in for of the former / latter opinion

53. 有 / 提供如下理由/ 证据 he / provide the following reasons / evidence

54. 在一定程度上 to some extent / degree / in some way

55. 理论和实践相结合 integrate theory with practice

56. …必然趋势 an irresistible trend of…

57. 日益激烈的社会竞争 the increasingly fierce social competition

58. 眼前利益 immediate interest / short-term interest

59. 长远利益. interest in the long run

60. …有其自身的优缺点 … has its merits and demerits / advantages and disadvantages

61. 扬长避短 Exploit to the full one’s forable conditions and oid unforable ones

62. 取其精髓,取其糟粕 Take the essence and discard the dregs。

63. 对…有害 do harm to / be harmful to / be detrimental to

64. 交流思想 / 情感 / 信息 exchange ideas / emotions / information

65. 跟上…的最新发展 keep pace with / catch up with/ keep abreast with the latest development of …

66. 取有效措施来… take effective measures to do sth。

67. …的健康发展 the healthy development of …

68. 有利有弊 Every coin has its two sides. No garden without weeds。

69. 对…观点因人而异 Views on …vary from person to person。

70. 重视 attach great importance to…

71. 社会地位 social status

72. 把时间和精力放在…上 focus time and energy on…

73. 扩大知识面 expand one’s scope of knowledge

74. 身心两方面 both physically and mentally

75. 有直接 /间接关系 be directly / indirectly related to…

76. 提出折中提议 set forth a compromise proposal

77. 可以取代 “think”的词 believe, claim, maintain, argue, insist, hold the opinion / belief that

78. 缓解压力 / 减轻负担 relieve stress / burden

79. 优先考虑 / 发展… give (top) priority to sth

80. 与…比较 compared with… / in comparison with

81. 相反 in contrast / on the contrary。

82. 代替 replace / substitute / take the place of

83. 经不起推敲 cannot bear closer analysis / cannot hold water

84. 提供就业机会 offer job opportunities

85. 社会进步的反映 mirror of social progress

86. 毫无疑问 Undouedly, / There is no dou that…

87. 增进相互了解 enhance / promote mutual understanding

88. 充分利用 make full use of / take advantage of

89. 承受更大的工作压力 suffer from heier work pressure

90. 保障社会的稳定和繁荣 guarantee the stability and prosperity of our society

91. 更多地强调 put more emphasis on…

92. 适应社会发展 adapt oneself to the development of society

93. 实现梦想 realize one’s dream / make one’s dream come true

94. 主要理由列举如下 The main reasons are listed as follows:

95. 首先 First, Firstly, In the first place, To begin with

96. 其次 Second, Secondly, In the second place

. 再次 Besides,In addition, Additionally, Moreover, Furthermore

98. 最后 Finally, Last but not the least, Above all, Lastly,

99. 总而言之 All in all, To sum up, In summary, In a word,

100. 我们还有很长的路要走 We still he a long way to go。




















? ————山洪絮语《从此再无江苏卷》














有话则长,无话则短,从前有个江苏娃为了拒绝平庸,满怀忧与爱还有好奇心,和探险者一起钻入山洞看蝴蝶品味时尚, 那是青春不朽的存在意义,也是智慧本来的模样。后来, 他上了车,满嘴鸟语,还喝了一杯盐水,终究走向了未来。













? ————《十三市》



























What can I do for our environment?

Everyone can do something for our environment. For me, I should try to se electricity in my daily life. For example, if I am the last person lee the classroom in the evening, I will always remember to turn off the lights. In order to protect our forests, I will use paper wisely. I should try to use both sides of paper whenever it is possible. I will not use things like paper cups and disposable chopsticks because they are made of wood. I believe that doing all these small things will improve our environment and help make our world a better place to live in.


Our monitor suggests that we he “Friday News Hour”. But some classmates do not agree. We will he a class meeting in English tomorrow afternoon to discuss this suggestion. Please prepare your talk and take an active part.

May 6th, 2008

Dear fellow students,

Our monitor suggests that we he “Friday New Hour”. I think that it is a good idea.

Everyone knows that we are busy all day. Seldom do we know what is hening both at home and abroad, let alone what we can do for our country. By reading newspapers we can get more information about the world outside. So I think “Friday New Hour” can broaden our mind and enrich our school life. What’s more, it will help us improve our reading skills.

As for my suggestion, I think it’s better to he it twice a week. And we should make a choice about what we’ll read. I am sure everyone will benefit a lot from this activity.

08福建Dear sir,

I’m Li Hua from Fujian. When I was reading the advertisement , the aim of this activity impressed me greatly, I think it instructive to learn to live together by living together. It is a good opportunity for the only child like me to learn to share and work together. Therefore I recommend myself to you without hesitation.

As a boy of 17, I am outgoing, good at English and he experience of working well with children aged from 7 to 12, I think it is a kind or win-win activity. For one thing, I can help take care the children. For another thing, I can improve my English, make more friends, and enrich my life during the summer vacation.

I am looking forward to your early reply.

Sincerely yours,

Li Hua

08安徽Dear Did,

I’m glad that you’ve noticed our efforts directed towards environmental protection. Thank you for your concern.

As too much use of plastic bags has caused serious white pollution, our govenment encourages us to use environment-friendly shopping bags. These bags are made of a variety of material that can be easily treated when they become rubbish. Besides, they can be reused. More and more people in China he realized the advantages of such bags and started using them.

I believe that the wide use of these shopping bags can greatly improve our environment. This is one of the many steps we are to make our country an even cleaner place.


Li Hua

08湖南Sample 1: Thomas Edison

Born in American, Thomas Edison was a great scientist and inventor. He once thought to be a boy who was not worth educating. In fact, he was a man full of imagination.

I admire Edison a lot because of his great contribution to the world. He had more than 1000 inventions. In his little time, he was always eager to know how things worked, which helped him to earn the nickname “the Wizard of Meio Park”. He was also so diligent that he worked day and night. And this explained why he had so many inventions.

What impresses me most is his famous saying, “genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration”. Probably I cannot be an Edison myself, but I can be a hardworking learner. From him, I realize the secret to success is not when and where you were born, but what you are doing and how you do it in your life.

Sample 2: Helen Keller

Every time I read “…if I had the power of sight for three days;, I cannot help being moved by its author Helen Keller, an ordinary but great American woman.

I admire Helen because she is optimistic about life. She became deaf and blind when she was 19 months old. Since then she lived in a world of darkness and silence, and communication seemed only a dream for her. But she never ge up and struggled to lead an active life. Under the guidance of her teacher, Ms. Sulliven, Helen learned to read and write, and became a famous writer. For a disabled person like her, this was really a wonder.

Helen has set an excellent example to all of us. Her story tells us that we should value what we he and try our best to overcome any difficulty in life.

Sample 3: William Shakespeare

Do you know Hamlet? He you read the Merchant of Venice? These two great works are both written by William Shakespeare, my fourite English writer and the man of all ages!

Shakespeare, a son from a poor family, a man of little education, wrote plays and poems that are read all over the world. I like him because his comedies and tragedies gring me into a fantastic world; I love him because his poems let me enjoy the beauty of the English language; I admire him because his keen sights set me thinking and teach me how to lead a meaningful life!

Since “life is a stage”, we are actually all actors and actresses. On this stage, everyone has his own role to play, and I will try my best to play my role well.

08湖北Dear Sir,

I am writing to you for the mobile phone of Dephone-S250 I bought on 20th Apr.2008 at Tele Mall in Wuhan, P.R. China. Ten days after that, it didn’t ring and send short messages. Then I took it to the seller, but was told that the model had been sold out and I had to wait at least three months for a new one. Later I went to the repairman. He said since it was a new model in China,it was impossible to fix it without the right spare parts.I was so desperate on hearing that.How can I wait that long? Therefore, I require that you send me a new one of the same model within a month.

Thank you for your consideration.

Sincerely yours,

Bu Manyi

08北京 One possible version:

Last Thursday, we had a class meeting to discuss where to go for our spring outing. We came up with several choices such as going boating, climbing a mountain, and going to an amusement park. Finally, we decided to go mountain climbing.

The next day, we set off early in the morning. While climbing the mountain, we enjoyed the warm sunshine and a beautiful view. However, when reached the top, we were shocked to see litter here and there, such as bottles and banana peels. Then we started to pick up the litter. Afterwards, we put the rubbish into the nearby recycling bin and non-recycling bin respectively.

We were tired but hy.

第二节 开放作文 (15分)

One possible version:

From the picture I can see a pair of proud compasses and a hard-working pencil. The compasses are big, drawing a circle with ease, while the pencil is small, drawing a line with great effort. I think the compasses are reasonable to be proud because no one else can do the job better. At the same time, however, he should realize the pencil has his own advantages. The pencil can do other shapes better than the compasses, even pictures. So in my opinion, while we are confident in ourselves, we should recognize strengths in others and show due respect for them.

08全国2June 8, 2008

Dear Peter,

I’m glad to receive your letter asking for my advice on how to learn Chinese well.

Here are a few suggestions. First, it is important to take a Chinese course, as you’ll be able

to learn from the teacher and practice with your fellow students. Then, it also helps to watch TV

and read books, newspapers and magazines in Chinese whenever possible.

Besides, it should be a good idea to learn and sing Chinese songs, because by doing so you’ll learn and remember Chinese words more easily. You can also make more Chinese friends. They will tell you a lot about China and help you learn Chinese.

Try and write me in Chinese next time.

Best wishes

Li Hua

08全国1Dear Sir/ Madam,

Greetings from Chian!

I’m Li Hua, a student in Sichuan. I’ve been a panda lover since I was a child. About three years ago I was delighted to learn that Baiyun ge birth to her daughter Sulin and I’ve been watching her grow on your website. Now she’s going to be there. I’d like to wish her a hy birthday and to express my thanks to you for your hard work, because of which Sulin and her parents are living a hy and healthy life in the US.

By the way, could I he a photo of Sulin taken on her third birthday? Thank you very much in advance.

Yours truly,

Li Hua

08辽宁We all want to grow up hily and healthily, and for this goal we must do several things.

Firstly, we should develop a good attitude to life. Life consists of not only sunshine but also hard times. We should be bre in front of difficulties. Secondly, we must study hard because knowledge is power. If we he the power. We can help to build our country and enjoy life better. In order to study well, we need to do sports so that we can keep fit. We can go running, play ball games or simply take a walk after a day’s study. If we do those things well, we will be able to grow up hily and healthily.

08 江苏Good afternoon, everyone!

The topic of my speech today is “Being a Good Listener”.

Good listening can always show respect, promote understanding, and improve interpersonal relationship.

Many people suggest that parents should listen more to their children, so they will understand them better, and find it easy to narrow the generation gap; teachers should listen more to their students, then they can meet their needs better, and place themselves in a good relationship with their students; students should listen more to their classmates, thus they will help and learn from each other, and a friendship is likely to be formed.

What I want to stress is that each of us should listen more to others. Show your respect and never stop others till they finish their talk; show you are interested by a supportive silence or a knowing smile; be open-minded to different opinions even though you don’t like them. In a word, good listening can really enable us to get closer to each other. (151)

Thank you for your listening!










A powerful earthquake hit Wenchuan in Sichuan province on May 12, which killed so many people. Due to the earthquake, a large quantity of factories and firms he suffered a big loss. At the same time, tens of thousands of houses he collapsed.

When the earthquake hened, I was attending class. Suddenly I together with my teacher and classmates felt continuous shaking All the students in our class rushed down stairs at top speed. Soon our school playground got crowded. I saw many schoolmates tried to connect their parents or friends but they failed to he phone calls on the fixed line or the mobile.About an hour later, we got the news that a powerful earthquake hit Wenchuan in Sichuan province.

Immerdiately after the earthquake, people throughout the country took actions spontaneously(自愿地), offering their help, donation,and support to the rescue efforts. As a Chinese, I also tride my best to offer my help to the disaster areas. Besides praying for people in the disaster areas I donated money and blood. Moreover, I intend to be a volunteer in the disaster areas after the college entrance examination this summer.











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