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简介1.高考英语阅读理解专项训练附答案解析?2.江苏高考英语作文和考研英语一样吗3.高考英语阅读理解带答案4.新高考I卷高考英语试卷真题和答案解析[Word文字版] 高考英语阅读理解易错题分析  在高考英语试卷的各类题型中,阅读理解和英语作文分值最大,高三学生在复习阅读理解时也比较吃力,不知从何入手,更不知道怎么提高阅读理解能力及分数。下面我为你整理了高考英语阅读理









 WANG Hao and Wang Liqin, two of China's top table tennis players, both saw the World Table Tennis Championships as a chance to prove themselves. But there was only one champion (冠军) and Wang Hao, 25, won it last Tuesday in Yokohama , Japan.

 Wang Hao, who won the men's doubles title with Chen Qi last Monday, played with spirit to beat Wang Liqin 11-9, 13-11, 11-5, 11-9.

 Wang Hao said it was his mental toughness (心理稳定) that made the difference. "I was disappointed by my performances in past championships and the last two Olympic Games. But I have tried to pull myself together and prepared well. This is the result."

 Wang Hao said he has always understood the importance of physical training and technical skills. Now he knows the need for mental preparation as well. Having two Olympic silvers had left him feeling bitter (痛苦的). The bitterness perhaps explains why he has not always played at his best in the past.

 "I've come to understand that you can learn important lessons from failure," he said. "Losing can build your character and make you a stronger player." His next goal, or dream, is to win the gold medal at the London Olympics in 2012.

 Liu Guoliang, head coach of China's table tennis team, sang the praises of Wang Hao's victory. "This is just the beginning of his rise," said Liu. "It's the confidence-booster he needs to make further progress."

 1.According to the passage, Wang Hao won _____ gold medals in the World Table Tennis Championships in Yokohama, Japan.

 A.only one B.two C.three D.four

 2.From Wang Hao, we can know the main reason for his beating Wang Liqin is ______.

 A.his technical skills B. his physical training

 C.his mental toughness D. his past experience

 3.What is the next goal of Wang Hao?

 A.To win the title of the champion at the 2012 Olympics

 B.To beat Wang Liqin again

 C.To prove himself in the future competitions

 D.To win more golds in future

 4.What can we learn from Wang Hao?

 A.Failure is the mother of success.

 B.Never give up until you succeed.

 C.Where there is a will, there is a way.

 D.A good beginning makes a good ending.







 3.错解分析典型错误D.错因分析审题不清,D项也许是Wang Hao的远期目标,但是题干是the next goal。

 解题指导细节理解题。根据文章倒数第二段中的“His next goal, or dream, is to win the gold medal at the London Olympics in 2012.”可知。注意审题。






 Have you ever used solar energy to boil a bottle of water or take a shower? Have you ever thought that solar energy is far away from our daily lives? You may doubt about that. In Japan, there is a wonderful program of Solar City.

 Solar City is located 80,000 meters northwest of Tokyo, among the strawberry fields. This is one of Japan’s sunniest places. Solar City covers about 410,000 square metres. Seventy-five percent of the homes there are covered by solar panels. The has provided people there with the solar panels for free. In addition, the has paid 9.7 billion yen to study how to make full use of solar energy. A number of solar energy companies have also given money to help this program.

 People living in Solar City think using solar panels is a good way to save money. However, saving money is not the only reason why people are moving into this city. "We moved here because of the panels. It was something we wanted,” said Mika Hiroshima. She moved to Solar City with her husband and two little children about four years ago.

 It is well known that Japan is a country that is short of energy, but the Solar City program has brought hope for the country. "People want solar energy,” said an official of Solar City. Actually in Solar City, there are 550 families making use of solar energy at the moment. All of them say that they want to keep using solar energy even after the program ends in 2010. In sunny days, solar panels are able to provide more than enough energy for a normal family. However, the solar panels are not that useful in cloudy days. Despite this, Solar City is still a wonderful program because it inspires people to wisely use the limited energy.

 1.The writer uses the two questions at the beginning of the passage to ______.

 A.test the readers’ knowledge about solar energy

 B.draw the readers’ attention to the topic

 C.learn the situation that solar energy is used

 D.invite the readers to answer them

 2.The third paragraph of the passage is mainly about ______.

 A.the reason why people are moving into Solar City

 B.how the people are living in Solar City

 C.the things that people living in Solar City need

 D.the life experience from the people living in Solar City

 3.It can be inferred from the passage that _________.

 A.Japan is a country which is lacking in energy

 B.the solar panels are only useful in sunny days

 C.the Solar City program will be successful

 D.Solar City is a very modern big city









 解题指导推理判断题。根据文章的最后一段中的“All of them say that they want to keep using solar energy even after the program ends in 2010.”可知。此项目的目的达到了。因此,C项正确。D项,可根据文中的“Solar City covers about 410,000 square metres.”知,Solar City并不是一个大城市。A、B两项是文中的事实,而非推理。推理判断题分为简单推理和复杂推理。所谓简单推理就是以表面文字为前提,以具体事实为依据进行推理,做出判断。这种推理方式比较直接,只要弄清事实,即可结合常识推断出合理的结论。而复杂推理就是不但要以文字为依据,而且还要以文章的语境、内涵为前提。这是一种间接而复杂的逻辑推理方式。考生要推断出文章没有表明但又合乎逻辑的推理,就必须由表及里地归纳或演绎。








1-5 BBCCA 、6-10 ACACB 、11-15 ABBCB 、16-20 ACBAA


21-23 ABC 、24-27 DDCC 、28-31 DABA 、32-35 DCAD


36-40 DFGAE


41-45 CBDDA 、46-50 DCABA 、51-55 BCBAB


56. incredibly、57. shelves、58. an、59. which、60. combining、

61. nation’s、62. than、63. has been、64. shared、65. begins?



21-23 ABC、24-27 DDCC、28-31 DABA、32-35 DCAD


第21题 A 见文章第一段,可知,这本书主要针对新冠疫情,讲述并介绍了新冠疫情对于社会等的影响,故选A。

第22题 B 见文章倒数第二段上的一行字,需要7+0.92=7.92预订费,故选B。

第23题 C 本文主要介绍了一场关于一本讨论新冠并对新冠进行相关描述,探讨新冠如何改变世界的书的直播,是以广告的形式展示给读者,以此进行宣传。故选C。


第24题 D 见文章第一段中,提到Jarrett的葡萄园提前了六周开始收获,可知,因为气候变化,葡萄园收成时间提前了,故选D。

第25题 D 见文章第三段,可知,曾经农民与科学家在气候变化对于葡萄种植的影响方面有着巨大的分歧,但现在农民们意识到了气候变化的严重性,并且想要采取一定的措施来适应和改变现状。A、B项无中生有;C项曲解文意,文中只是说农民对于种植园的选取取决于是否有利于酿酒,故选D。

第26题 C 见文章倒数第二段,可知Jarrett将葡萄种植的品种移栽到了海拔更高的地方,以此来适应气候的变化。故选C。

第27题 C 见文章最后一段,可知Jarrett认为,制定一个长远的计划是非常有必要的,且在对一些事物进行改变之后获得成功,是很有价值的事情,可见Jarrett认为为了安全起见,作出必要的实验尝试来避免未来的风险是必要的,故选C。


第28题 D 结合第二和第三段来看,这种语言和其他语种没有任何联系,很孤立,而且第三段的“far gone”也表明这种小众语种处于濒危。

第29题 A 定位到第四段最后一句,上文说的是数量,下文紧接着说疫情等因素,而推测可知后者对前者造成的影响肯定是锐减的。

第30题 B 细节题。A选项,在第六段第一句的myth表明是童话,而非真实故事;C选项,第五段第一句表明不是大多数感兴趣;D选项,第七段只是说可以通过编制字典、本地语音等方式来保护该语种,不是出版物。B选项可以和第五段后半部分对应。

第31题 A 定位到最后一段最后一句,从马克吐温所表达的语句来看,他认为这种方式从未设想过,非常的creative(创新),A选项最符合。


第32题 D 主旨题。第一段可以看出,该研究目的在于研究鲸鱼应对人类攻击的反应和行为。

第33题 C 定位到第六段,第一句是话题句,猎人意识到鲸鱼会逃脱攻击。第二句就是答案,即原因,鲸鱼之间会对猎人的攻击进行信息交流。第三句进一步解释了鲸鱼如何躲避攻击,鲸鱼改变传统的逃脱方式,逆流游动。

第34题 A 考察对作者写作目的的理解。第五段主要介绍了鲸鱼高度的社会属性和智力等特征,因为下文开始介绍鲸鱼如何躲避攻击(交流信息等),第五段的作用就是提供支撑,给出原因。

第35题 D 考察对态度的推断。结合第七段来看,说话者在介绍鲸鱼未来可能会面对新的威胁,但是它们会有新的应对策略,可见其态度是比较乐观的。


36-40 DFGAE

第36题 D 空格所在句的意思是:没有经验就不能被聘用,但没有被聘用就不能获得经验。那么,在没有经验的情况下找到工作的关键是什么呢?故选项D正确。

第37题 F 第二段根据小标题可知是要瞄准切实可行的目标,F选项意为瞄准初级和初级职位当然没有什么可耻的。与段落大意相符,故选项F正确。

第38题 G 第三段主要讲要着重关注你的技能,不要执着于你没有的经历。相反,把你的申请集中在使你非常适合这个职位的技能上。故选项G正确。

第39题 A 第四段主要讲的是寻找工作机会,获得工作经历,故选项A正确。

第40题 E 在没有工作经验的情况下找工作并不容易,但每个人都经历过。人们很容易把拒绝当成是针对自己的,然后辞职。故选项E正确。


41-45 CBDDA 、46-50 DCABA 、51-55 BCBAB

第41题 C 文章整篇都在讲述作者在养老院做志愿的经历。lecture/演讲、study、relax均不符合语境。

第42题 B 联系后文可知,这里表达的是作者并没有想过会和一位和自己相差八十岁的老人建立一份紧密的游戏。这里close friendship是常用搭配。

第43题 D 固定搭配。be struck by表示被……触动,在这里表示“我见到老人的第一眼就被她的自信所触动”。

第44题 D 词义辨析。bossy/专横的,sharp/敏锐的,在这里intelligent and sharp表示聪明伶俐,与前面的博士学位相呼应。

第45题 A 从后文“have a full conversation with me”可知,我和这位老人一直都很谈得来,所以在这里应该是我从不觉得我和Edith缺少话题,故选lack。

第46题 D 动词辨析。recall表示回忆,从后文可知Edith的记忆非常好,可以记起一百年前的事情,所以这里应该用recall与后文呼应。

第47题 C 形容词辨析。artistic/艺术性的,active/活跃的,literary/文学的,capable/有能力的,这里用active不用artistic的原因是active更加包容,而artistic只能形容跳舞,不能形容后面的参加运动课程等等。

第48题 A 理解句意。这里想要描述的是Edith笑起来的样子,故用how。

第49题 B 这里用hold表示执手跳舞。waltz是一种双人舞,所以raise并不准确,而clap和shake都不符合语境,故选hold hands。

第50题 A 动词辨析。restricted表示被限制的,这里的含义是Edith虽然被限制在了轮椅上,她依然参加运动课程。

第51题 B 动词辨析。相较于其他选项,明显visit更加符合文章中作者和Edith的关系。

第52题 C 这句话的意思是,“我学会去理解并接受智慧”,praise、greeting和thanks在文中都没有被提到,在这里只能选择wisdom。

第53题 B 前后呼应。从后文and后面紧跟着的内容来看,这里应该描述的是作者在成长过程中受到的挫折,才会用weigh形容small decision,所以前面应该用fail表达相同的情绪。

第54题 A 联系全文可知,作者的人生态度发生了转变,所以这边的态度应该和前文相对比,故选择appreciate表示对受到的fail和decision的感激与接纳。

第55题 B 这里点名了文章主旨,what matters是常见用法,意思是作者在经历了和Edith的相处中终于明白了真正重要的东西是什么。


An on-site craft competition was held in our school library last Saturday, which was aimed at developing students’ innovative spirit and labor skills.

The participants selected from all the classes were required to create a craft in the given time. After an hour, a variety of awesome works were presented, including vivid wooden carvings and lifelike clay animals. Finally, the completed works were judged, ten of which received awards.

The competition was a great success. Not only did it provide the students with a platform to demonstrate their talents, but also it stimulated their interest in exploring their creativity.



Lemon Brown got up after patting his rags in place and looked out the window again.

“Looks like they’re gone. You get on out of here and get yourself home. I’ll be watching from the window, so you’ll be all right.”

Lemon Brown went down the stairs behind Greg. When they reached the front door, the old man looked out first, saw the street was clear, and told Greg to scoot on home.

“You sure you’ll be OK?” Greg asked.

“Now, didn’t I tell you I was going to East St. Louis in the morning?” Lemon Brown asked. “Don’t that sound OK to you?”

“Sure it does,” Greg said, the wrinkles about his eyes suggesting a smile. “That I’ll do.”

The night had warmed and the rain had stopped, leaving puddles at the curbs. Greg didn’t even want to think how late it was. He thought ahead of what his father would say and wondered if he should tell him about Lemon Brown. He thought about it until he reached his stoop, and decided against it. Lemon Brown would be OK, Greg thought, with his memories and his treasure.

Greg pushed the button over the bell marked “Ridley,” thought of the lecture he knew his father would give him, and smiled.


“You get on out of here and get yourself home,” said Lemon Brown. Nodding his head, Greg followed the old man silently. When they reached the front door, the old man looked out first, saw the street was clear and told Greg to hurry home. Greg opened his arms and hugged the old man tightly. “Take care of the treasure of yours.” “That I’ll do,” said Lemon Brown, the wrinkles about his eyes suggested a smile. Then Greg walked into the darkness, the old man watching him from behind.

When Greg was walking in the street, the night had warmed and the rain had stopped. Greg didn’t even want to think how late it was. He thought ahead what his father would say and wondered if he should tell him about Lemon Brown. He thought about it until he reached his stoop and decided against it. Lemon Brown would be all right with his memories and his treasure. Greg pushed the button over the bell marked Ridley, thought of the lecture he knew his father would give him, and smiled.







The easy way out isn't always easiest. I learned that lesson when I decided to treat Doug, myhu *** and of one month, to a special meal. I glanced through my cook book and chose a menuwhich included homemade bread. Knowing the bread would take time. I started on it as soon asDoug left for work. As I was not experienced in cooking, I thought if a dozen was good, twodozen would be better, so I doubled everything. As Doug loved oranges, I also opened a can oforange and poured it all into the bowl. Soon there was a sticky dough covered with uglyyellowish marks. Realizing I had been defeated, I put the dough in the rubbish bin outside so Iwouldn't have to face Doug laughing at my work. I went on preparing the rest of the meal, and,when Doug got home, we sat down to Cornish chicken with rice. He tried to enjoy the meal butseemed disturbed. Twice he got up and went outside, saying he thought he heard a noise. Thethird time he left, I went to the windows to see what he was doing. Looking out, I saw Dougstanding about three feet from the rubbish bin, holding the lid up with a stick and lookinginto the container. When I came out of the house, he dropped the stick and explained thatthere was something alive in out rubbish bin. Picking up the stick again, he held the lid upenough for me to see. I felt cold. But I stepped closer and looked harder. Without doubt it wa *** y work. The hot sun had caused the dough to double in size and the fermenting yeast***酵母***made the surface shake and sigh as though it were breathing. I had to admit what the livingthing was and why it was there. I don't know who was more embarrassed***尴尬*** by the wholething—Doug or me.


1. The writer's purpose in writing this story is ________.

A. to tell an interesting experience

B. to show the easiest way out of a difficulty

C. to describe the trouble facing a newly married woman

D. to explain the difficulty of learning to cook from books

2. Why did the woman's attempt at making the bread turn out to be unsuccessful?

A. The canned orange had gone bad.

B. She didn't use the right kind of flour.

C. The cookbook was hard to understand.

D. She did not follow the directions closely.

3. Why did the woman put the dough in the rubbish bin?

A. She didn't see the use of keeping it.

B. She meant to joke with her hu *** and.

C. She didn't want her hu *** and to see it.

D. She hoped it would soon dry in the sun.

4. What made the dough in the bin looks frighting?

A. The rising and falling movement.

B. The strange-looking marks.

C. Its shape.

D. Its size.

5. When Doug went out the third time, the woman looked out of the window becauseshe was ________.

A. surprised at his being interested in the bin

B. afraid that he would discover her secret

C. unhappy that he didn't enjoy the meal

D. curious to know what disturbed him


1. A。通读文章后,可知作者写这篇文章的目的,是想让人知道她这段有趣的经历,故应选A。

2. D。文中提及:As I was not experienced in cooking I thought if a dozen was good, two dozenwould be better 和 As Doug loved orange, I also opened a can of orange and poured it all intothe bowl,可知这位家庭主妇***即作者***并未按烹调指南行事,故应选 D。

3. C。作者在意识到自己制做面包失败时,put the dough in the rubbish bin outside so I wouldn'thave to face Doug laughing at my work, 故应选C。

4. A。这是对句意和细节理解的题目。文中提及:The hot sun had caused the dough to double in sizeand the fermenting yeast made the surface shake and sigh as though it were breathing, 故应选A。

5. D。文中提及:... the third time he left, I went to the windows to see what he was doing. 可知作者在吃饭时就看出丈夫心烦意乱,频繁出去。当丈夫第三次出去时,作者不知道丈夫出去干什么,出于好奇,就到窗边去看。





 Any mistake made in the printing of a stamp raises its value to stamp collectors. A mistake on one inexpensive postage stamp has made the stamp worth a million and a tops. The mistake was made more than a hundred years ago in the British colony of Mauritius, a small island in the Indian Ocean. In 1847 an order for stamps was sent to a London printer — Mauritius was to become the fourth country in the world to issue stamps.Before the order was filled and delivered, a ball was planned at Mauritius’ Government House, and stamps were needed to send out the invitations. A local printer was instructed to copy the design for the stamps. He accidentally inscribed the words “Post Office” instead of “Post Paid” on the several hundred stamps that he printed.Today there are only twenty-six of these misprinted stamps left fourteen One Penny Orange-Reds and twelve Two Penny Blues. Because of the Two Penny Blue’s rareness and age, collectors have paid as much as $16 800 for it.

 1. Over a century ago, Mauritius _______.

 A. was an independent country

 B. belonged to India

 C. was one of the British colonies

 D. was a small island in the Pacific Ocean

 2. The mistake on the stamps was made _______.

 A. in Mauritius

 B. at Mauritius Government House

 C. in a post office

 D. in London

 3. Stamp collectors have paid 16 800 for _______.

 A. fourteen One Penny Orange-Reds

 B. twelve Two Penny Blues

 C. one One Penny Orange-Red

 D. one Two Penny Blue

 答案与解析 本文讲述的是本来不值钱的邮票由于印刷错误却使其价值倍增。

 1. C。事实细节题。根据第2段第1句… more than a hundred years ago in the British colony of Mauritius, a small island in the Indian Ocean可知答案为C。

 2. A。事实细节题。根据第2段第1句The mistake was made more than a hundred years ago in the British colony of Mauritius可知答案选A。

 3. D。事实细节题。根据文章最后一句Because of the Two Penny Blue’s rareness and age, collectors have paid as much as $16 800 for it 可知答案为D。




 Wh-特殊问句; From the text…,According to…,True/not true,划线词语、句子,简单计算、排列事件顺序、识图等。





 文章为了表达得准确严密,很注意对范围的限定。有的是通过加上相应的词语限制,如涉及到数量时常用many,almost all,nearly,more than,over,only a few,normally等限制。有些干扰项是通过改变或去掉限定词语,甚至是扩大或缩小了语言范围。







 What' s the topic/subject of the text/the second paragraph?

 What is stated in…? The text is cheifly concerned with_______。









 The story suggests that___________. It can be inferred that_____________.

 The story implies that _____________. It can be concluded that __________.

 We can learn that _______________.









 ②利用语境及逻辑关系猜词。有时完全可以利用上下文语境和前后句之间的并列、因果、转折、对比、解释定义和举例等关系来猜测词义。同时特别留心某些词语,例如:or, that is, in other words, including, although, but, or, even if, on the other hand, on the contrary, other than, rather than, more than, instead of等词语之后的内容。













我觉得数学试题难度还行,今年发挥的还可以,平时都能考个120分,这次感觉会少一些,题目比去年要难一些。我有做过去年的数学试卷,考了127,今年的数学,能110就很知足了。主要是题目比较烧脑,不像平时的题目那样,一看就知道大概咋解题,高考的数学题,估计很多考生都要比平时低一些,今年的考生应该更明显,确实题目是难了一些。 五、新高考I卷高考英语试卷答案解析 1、2022年新高考I卷高考数学试卷真题和答案解析[Word文字版] 2、2022年新高考I卷高考语文试卷真题和答案解析[Word文字版] ;

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