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简介1.高考英语语法主要考哪些2.高考需要掌握的不及物动词有哪些(英语)3.高考英语2Persuade sb not to do 为什么没这种用法? not 为啥不能加4.有关英语动词不定式的高考列题哦.英语好的请进啊~~5.请问谁可以告诉我不定式,过去式,过去分词是什么意思。请通俗一点,不然的话我还是不懂。呵呵。谢谢了。6.请列举下高考常考的英语不及物动词和用法占比重。非谓语动词在高考中



3.高考英语2Persuade sb not to do 为什么没这种用法? not 为啥不能加








1、answer for回答

2、apologize for为....道歉

3、suffer for为…受苦

4、pay for为...付钱

5、look for寻找

6、make up for偿

7、stand for代表

8、compensate for补偿

9、abstain from有意回避,弃权

10、desist from停止

11、refrain fro抑制,忍住

12、shrink fro回避

13、suffer from受苦,患病

14、benefit from获益于

15、escape fron从.…逃开

16、rove of同意

17、count on依靠

18、embark on上路

19、gamble on 以……打赌

20、insist on坚持

21、rely on依靠

22、theorize on对...推理

23、harp on老提到

24、calculate on指望,依靠

25、concentrate on集中到

26、depend on依靠

27、reckon on盼望,指望

28、account for说明,解释

29、boast of吹牛

30、consist of由...组成

31、despair of失望

32、dream of梦想做某事

33、repent of忏悔,懊悔相信

34、persevere In坚持

35、revel in陶醉,着迷于

36、Succeed in在某方面成功

37、delight in高兴

38、Join In加入

39、participate in参加

40、persist in坚持






“非谓语动词”可分为动词不定式、动名词和分词。它在句子中的作用很多:除了不作谓语外,它可以充当主语、宾语、表语、定语、状语与复合宾语(主语补语或宾语补语)。有些及物动词后面接不带to的不定式作复合宾语。这些动词归纳如下:一感(feel).二听(hear,listen to),三让(he,1et, make),四看(see,watCh,notice,observe)。再加上help somebody(to)do something和美国英语look at somebody do somthing。还有“二让”属特殊:get somebody to do something 与keep somebody doing。而有些及物动词后面接动名词(the -ing form)作宾语。这些动词归纳为一句话:Papa C makes friends。这是由如下动词的开头字母组成:permit,advise, practise,oid,consider,mind, allow,keep,enjoy,suggest, finish,risk,imagine,escape,need,delay,stand(忍受)。 为了容易记住,也可以编成顺口溜:“允许完成练习,建议避免冒险,考虑延期逃跑,喜欢保持想象,需要反对忍受”。其相对应的动词依次是:permit/allow,finish,practise;

advise/suggest, oid,risk: consider, delay, escape/miss; enjoy/reciate, keep, imagine; need/want/require,mind. can't help/can’t stand。



例如:A、The news that our team has won the match is true. (同位语从句)

B、The news that he told us surprised everybody here. (定语从句)

关键的区别在于连接或关系代词that:有意义的是定语, 无意义的是同位。因为引导定语从句的that在从句中作主语或 宾语,而引导同位语从句的that只起到连接词的作用。

2、接着容易混淆的是引导定语从句的关系代词that与 which:that之前是不定(代词)、序数(词)、(形容词)最高级:which之前是介词短语与逗号(非限制性)。

例如:A、All that we he to do is to practise every day.

B、The first lesson that I learned will never be forgotten.

C、I he lost my pen,which I like very much.

D、The house in front of which there is a garden is my home.



例如:It is nor easy to finish the work in two days.

然而有少数表语之后接动名词作真正的主语。这些表语是:无助(no help)、无用(no use)、没好处(no good);工作(hard work)、费时(a waste of time)、又危险(a danger)。

例如:A、It is no use crying over spilt milk.

B、It is a waste of time waiting for him.

2、It还可以作形式宾语。通常下列动词后面可接it作形式宾语:2f2tcjm(find,feel,think,take,consider,judge, make)。

例如:A、He made it clear that he was not interested in this subject.

B、I think it no use arguing with him.

3、It用于强调句式。要强调句子的某一部分(主语、宾语、 状语),可以把it当作先行词。这种句子的结构是:It is(was)+ 被强调部分+that(who)+句子的其余部分。

例如:A、It iS Professor Lin who teaches us English—(强调主语)

B、It was in Shanghai that l saw the film.—(强调状语)

C、It was in 1990 that I worked in the factory.(同上)


例如:D、It was 1990 when I worked in the factory.(定语从句)

在强调句式里,我们把强调结构It is(was)…that除去,句子还很完整。如例句C。而例句D就不能。




A、Here comes the bus.(副词提前,全倒装)

B、Here he comes.(代词作主语,不倒装)

C、In front of the house lies a garden.(介词短语提前,全倒装)

D、Never shall I do this again.(否定词提前,部分倒装)

E、Young as he is ,he knows a lot.(让步状语从句,表语倒装)

F、Only when he told me did I realize what trouble he was in.(only 修饰状语,主句倒装)

G、Only he can se the patient.(only修饰主语.不倒装)

H、Not only will help be given to people,but also medical treatment will be provided.(否定词提前,部分倒装)

I、Not only he but also we like sports.(连接两个主语,不倒装)


虚拟语气也是一个难点。所谓虚拟语气是表示说话人的愿望、设、猜测或建议,而不表示客观存在的事实。它通过句子的谓语动词的特殊形式来表示。现归纳如下:纯设,用虚拟,动词时态退一级:条件句,分主从,主句谓语前加would (should,could,might);表愿望,用虚拟,wish后面接宾语(从句):现在过去与将来,动词时态退一级:提建议,用虚拟,宾语(从句)动词用(should)do:俩建议,三要求,再加坚持与命令(suggest,advise,demand,require,request,insist,order):It is time和eoukd rather,后接丛句用虚拟:部分主语从句中, 谓语用虚拟结构 (It is necessry /important/natural/natural/strange/strange that……should do)。 下面举例说明:

A、If you came tomorrow,we would he the metting. (条件句虚拟)

B、Without air,there would be no living things.(同上)

C、We wish we had arrived there two hours earlier.(表示愿望虚拟)

D、He demanded that we (should)start right away.(表示建议虚拟)

E、It is(high)time that we left (should lee)now.(特殊从句虚拟)

F、I would rather you ge me the book.(同上)

G、It is necessary that we should clean the room everyday,(主语从句虚拟)

H、He speaks English so fluently as if he were English. (特殊从句虚拟)


高考英语2Persuade sb not to do 为什么没这种用法? not 为啥不能加



不及物动词:字典里词后标有vi. 的就是不及物动词。不及物动词后不能直接跟有动作的对象(即宾语)。若要跟宾语,必须先在其后添加上某个介词,如to,of ,at后方可跟上宾语。具体每个动词后究竟加什么介词就得联系动词短语了.

常用的不及物动词 ear ,Appear calm come ,Come easy (safe)

go ,Go mad (crazy, bad, sour, wrong, crazy, hungry, blind) get ,Get angry (ill, wet, excited, married, paid) fall ,Fall asleep( fall ill, fall short, fall flat) feel ,Feel good (sleepy) keep ,Keep quiet (silent) look ,Look fit (well, young, tired)

make, Make certain (sure, ready, a good teacher) prove ,Prove an effective method (correct, accurate) remain ,Remain still (unchanged) rest,Rest satisfied (content) rise, Rise red seem ,Seem hy stand ,Stand still

stay ,Stay young (stay fresh, the same) turn, Turn teacher =become a teacher (yellow) turn out ,Turn out true 用法举例

Look carefully! (注意:carefully 是副词,不是名词,故不作宾语) look at 看…….+宾语 Look at me carefully! (me是代词,作宾语) (at是小范围 in是大范围)

如: The students work very hard.学生们很努力地学习。 She apologized to me again. 她再次向我道歉。

The accident hened yesterday evening.昨天晚上发生了事故。 与及物动词的区别


1)及物动词 后面必须跟宾语意义才完整的实义动词,叫做及物动词(transitive verb)。如: I believe that the committee will consider our suggestion.我相信委员会将会考虑我们的建议。

“How long can I keep the book ?”Harry asked.哈里问:“这本书我可以借多久?” 2)不及物动词 本身意义完整后面不须跟宾语的实义动词,叫做不及物动词(intransitive verb)。如: Birds fly.鸟会飞。

It hened in June 1932.这件事发生于一九三二年六月。 My watch stopped.我的表停了。

She spoke at the meeting yesterday evening. 她在昨天晚上的会上发了言。 3)兼作及物动词和不及物动词 英语里有不少实义动词可以兼作及物动词和不及物动词。这样的动词又有两种不同的情况:

a)兼作及物动词和不及物动词时,意义不变。试比较: Shall I begin at once?我可以立刻开始吗?(begin作不及物动词)

She began working as a librarian after she left school.她毕业后当图书馆管理员。(begin作及物动词)

When did they lee Chicago?他们是什么时候离开芝加哥的?(lee 作及物动词) They left last week. 他们是上周离开的。(left 作不及物动词) b)兼作及物动词和不及物动词时,有时意义不尽相同。如: Wash your hands before meals.饭前要洗手。 Does this cloth wash well? 这布经得起洗吗?

4) 与汉语的比较 有时英语动词的及物和不及物的用法,与汉语的用法不一样,请注意下列两种情况:


We arrived at the railway station at noon.我们于中午到达火车站。(at不能省去)(比较:We reached the railway station at noon.)

Everybody listened to the lecture with great interest.每个人都很有兴趣地听讲课。(to不可省去)(比较:We all heard the lecture.)

Do they agree to the plan?他们同意这个吗?(to不可省去)

b)有的动词在英语里能用作及物动词,而在汉语里则不能用作及物动词,如serve为…服务。 Our children are taught to serve the people wholeheartedly.我们的儿童被教以全心全意为人民服务




He reached Paris the day before yesterday. Please hand me the book over there. They asked me to go fishing with them.

类似的还有:buy, catch, invent, found, like, observe, offer, prevent, promise, raise, find, forget, receive, regard, see, say, seat, supply, select, suppose, show, make, take, tell.... b.主要用作不及物的动词。不及物动词后面不跟宾语。只能用于:"主+谓"结构。 This is the room where I once lived.

类似的还有:agree, go, work, listen, look, come, die, belong, fall, exist, rise, arrive, sit, sail, hurry, fail, succeed....

c.既可以用作及物又可以用作不及物的动词,其意义不变。如begin 都是作"开始"讲。everybody , our game begins. let us begin our game.

类似的还有:start, answer, sing, close, consider, insist, read, learn, prepare, pay, hurt, improve....


这类动词作不及物动词是一个意义;而作及物动词时却是另一个意义。如lift作不及物动词时是指烟雾的"消散"。we saw the mountain when the clouds lifted. 作及物动词时是"升高;举起"。 He lifted his glass and drank.

类似的还有:beat vi.跳动 vt. 敲、打; grow vi.生长 vt. 种植 play vi.玩耍 vt. 打(牌、球),演奏 smell vi.发出(气味) vt. 嗅 ring vi.(电话、铃)响vt.打电话 speak vi.讲话 vt. 说(语言) hang vi. 悬挂 vt. 绞死 operate vi.动手术 vt. 操作 需要注意的一点是:少数不及物动词唯一可跟的宾语是同源宾语,如:I dreamed a dream last night.


1、 Need, want, require(要求,需要), deserve(应得,值得), be worth值得),not bear(经不住) 后面接doing主动表被动。

The book is worth reading. 这本书值得一读。

The old building requires repairing. 这座古建筑需要修了。

These young seedlings will require/need looking after (=need to be looked after) carefully.?这些幼苗将需要小心的照管。 Your hair wants/needs cutting (needs to be cut).?你的头发该剪了。


I he much work to do. 我有许多要做的事情。(与work有动宾关系,与I有主谓关系) Tom is looking for a room to live in. Tom在找一间住的房间。(与room有动宾关系,与Tom 有主谓关系)

He has a family to support.?他要维持一个家庭。(与family有动宾关系,与he有主谓关系) 3、不定式修饰作表语和宾语补足语的形容词时,结构:主语+系动词+形容词 + 不定式; 动词+宾语+形容词+不定式。如果形容词是表示难易、利弊等含义,如

difficult, easy, comfortable(舒适的), convenient(便利的,方便的), hard, cheap, expensive, 等,不定式用主动表被动。

The question is difficult to answer. 这个问题很难回答。 The work is easy to do. 这项工作很好做。

I found the car comfortable to ride in. 我觉得这种车很好坐。 That makes poetry difficult to write. 那就使得诗很难写。

4、在be to结构中的一些不定式:这种结构中的不定式通常应用主动表被动。下列动词用不定式的主动形式表示被动意义: Who is to blame for starting the fire?这场火灾应由谁负责?

You are to blame for the accident. 你应为这事受动责备。 The house is to let.此房出租。

A lot remains to do.还剩下许多事情要做。

5、系动词没有被动形式,但有些系动词常表示被动意义。常见的有taste(吃起来), sound (听起来), prove(证明是), feel(摸上去感到), look(看起来),smell(闻起来)等。

6.一些与can''t(不能)或won''t(不会)连用的动词。常用的有: lock(锁住), shut(关上) , open(打开), act(上演), write(写),cut(砍,切),wear(穿,戴)等,用作不及物动词时,用主动表被动。

7、一些动词如sell(销售) , wash(洗), clean(打扫), burn(燃烧), cook(煮)等与副词如well(好), easily(容易地), perfectly(十分地)等连用 ,描会事物的特性,用主动表被动,结构是主语+动词+加副词。例如:The book sells well.这种书很畅销 These clothes wash easily.?这些衣服很易洗。The pen writes well. 这笔很好写。

8、主语much, a great deal, little, what等,其表语如是不定式,则用不定式的主动表被动。 What is to do? 做什么? Much is to do. 太多要做的事。

9、在“there be”句型中作主语的定语如果现在分词时,所用的现在分词要用主动表被动意义。 There is nothing doing these days. 这些天没事干。 I see there’s a good idea planning. 我知道又在打好主意。


persuade后面跟to do不定式时,表示的是成功劝说某人做某事,如果是要表示不让某人做某事,一般后面接sb. out of doing sth.这种结构,表示“说服某人不要做某事”,并不是直接加not。


Alice trusts you; only you can ________ her to give up the foolish idea. (NMET 2001)(上海卷)

A. suggest B. attract C. tempt D. persuade

此题的句意为“惟有你能说服她放弃这种愚蠢的想法。”persuade sb. to do sth.表示“说服某人做某事”,答案选D。persuade表示“说服”、“劝服”,是同学们学习的重点及物动词,现就其主要用法作以归纳。

1. 后面接名词或代词。

I can persuade the boss soon.我很快就能说服老板。

Can you persuade her?你能说服她吗?

2. 后面接sb. of sth. 表示“使某人相信某事”。

I persuaded him of its truth. 我使他相信这是真的。

3. 后面接sb. to do sth. 表示“说服某人做某事”。

They persuaded her to go with them.他们说服了她和他们一起去。

We will persuade him to take the medicine. 我们将说服他把药吃下去。

4. 后面接sb. into doing sth. 表示“说服某人做某事”。

We persuaded her into taking the job.我们说服了她接受这份工作。

5. 后面接sb. out of doing sth.表示“说服某人不要做某事”。

I persuaded my father out of smoking.我劝服了我父亲戒烟。

6. 后面接sb. that-clause表示“使某人相信……”。

She persuaded me that death does not end all.她说服了我相信死并不能使一切结束。

How can I persuade you that I am grateful to you? 我怎样才能使你相信我对你非常感激呢?

7. 可用于被动结构, 表示“相信”。

I'm almost persuaded that he is honest.我几乎相信他是诚实的。

I'm persuaded of your being right. 我相信你是对的。




e.g.I he persuaded him to change his mind.


Who persuaded you to join the organization?



e.g.Can you persuade him out of his foolish plans?


I persuaded him into going to school,even though he didn"t want to.



e.g.She persuaded him up for a cup of coffee.


They persuaded him in to shelter from the rain.


注意:在表示“劝说不一定成功”时,我们常用try to persuade。

e.g.I tried to persuade him to give up smoking but failed.




e.g.She persuaded them that she had done right.


②跟名词/代词+ of短语

e.g.They tried to persuade us of the truth of the report.



分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习


有关英语动词不定式的高考列题:To be a great scientist( ). 答案:A. maths is very important B. maths is more important than other subjects C. one must understand maths D. maths is important to be understood 可以告诉我应该选哪个答案吗?可以说明为什么选那个答案吗?拜托各位哥哥姐姐啦~~~


在这道题目里,to be a great scientist 的真正的主语是人,但为了句子的完整性还需要一个形式主语one 而后面是从主谓一致来考虑。所以选c这句话的意思是:





☆而动词的过去分词是动词的一种非谓语形式,也叫非限定性动词。不能独立作谓语,只能与助动词一起构成谓语。如:“he/has/had +过去分词”构成完成时态;“be+过去分词”构成被动语态等。它相当于一个形容词或副词,在句中起一个形容词或副词的作用,可作表语、定语、补语等。它的作用与现在分词doing类似。过去分词表的意义是被动或完成。



不及物动词:字典里词后标有vi. 的就是不及物动词。不及物动词后不能直接跟有动作的对象(即宾语)。若要跟宾语,必须先在其后添加上某个介词,如to,of ,at后方可跟上宾语。具体每个动词后究竟加什么介词就得联系动词短语了.


ear ,Appear calm

come ,Come easy (safe)

go ,Go mad (crazy, bad, sour, wrong, crazy, hungry, blind)

get ,Get angry (ill, wet, excited, married, paid)

fall ,Fall asleep( fall ill, fall short, fall flat)

feel ,Feel good (sleepy)

keep ,Keep quiet (silent)

look ,Look fit (well, young, tired)

make, Make certain (sure, ready, a good teacher)

prove ,Prove an effective method (correct, accurate)

remain ,Remain still (unchanged)

rest,Rest satisfied (content)

rise, Rise red

seem ,Seem hy

stand ,Stand still

stay ,Stay young (stay fresh, the same)

turn, Turn teacher =become a teacher (yellow)

turn out ,Turn out true


Look carefully! (注意:carefully 是副词,不是名词,故不作宾语)

 look at 看…….+宾语 Look at me carefully! (me是代词,作宾语) 

(at是小范围 in是大范围)

 如: The students work very hard.学生们很努力地学习。

 She apologized to me again. 她再次向我道歉。 

The accident hened yesterday evening.昨天晚上发生了事故。



 1)及物动词 后面必须跟宾语意义才完整的实义动词,叫做及物动词(transitive verb)。如: I believe that the committee will consider our suggestion.我相信委员会将会考虑我们的建议。 

“How long can I keep the book ?”Harry asked.哈里问:“这本书我可以借多久?”

 2)不及物动词 本身意义完整后面不须跟宾语的实义动词,叫做不及物动词(intransitive verb)。如: Birds fly.鸟会飞。

 It hened in June 1932.这件事发生于一九三二年六月。

My watch stopped.我的表停了。

 She spoke at the meeting yesterday evening. 她在昨天晚上的会上发了言。

 3)兼作及物动词和不及物动词 英语里有不少实义动词可以兼作及物动词和不及物动词。这样的动词又有两种不同的情况:


 Shall I begin at once?我可以立刻开始吗?(begin作不及物动词)

 She began working as a librarian after she left school.她毕业后当图书馆管理员。(begin作及物动词)

 When did they lee Chicago?他们是什么时候离开芝加哥的?(lee 作及物动词)

 They left last week. 他们是上周离开的。(left 作不及物动词)


Wash your hands before meals.饭前要洗手。

 Does this cloth wash well? 这布经得起洗吗?

 4) 与汉语的比较 有时英语动词的及物和不及物的用法,与汉语的用法不一样,请注意下列两种情况:


 We arrived at the railway station at noon.我们于中午到达火车站。(at不能省去)(比较:We reached the railway station at noon.)

 Everybody listened to the lecture with great interest.每个人都很有兴趣地听讲课。(to不可省去)(比较:We all heard the lecture.)

 Do they agree to the plan?他们同意这个吗?(to不可省去) 

b)有的动词在英语里能用作及物动词,而在汉语里则不能用作及物动词,如serve为…服务。 Our children are taught to serve the people wholeheartedly.我们的儿童被教以全心全意为人民服务




 He reached Paris the day before yesterday. 

Please hand me the book over there.

 They asked me to go fishing with them. 

类似的还有:buy, catch, invent, found, like, observe, offer, prevent, promise, raise, find, forget, receive, regard, see, say, seat, supply, select, suppose, show, make, take, tell.... b.主要用作不及物的动词。不及物动词后面不跟宾语。只能用于:"主+谓"结构。

This is the room where I once lived.

 类似的还有:agree, go, work, listen, look, come, die, belong, fall, exist, rise, arrive, sit, sail, hurry, fail, succeed....

 c.既可以用作及物又可以用作不及物的动词,其意义不变。如begin 都是作"开始"讲。everybody , our game begins. let us begin our game.

类似的还有:start, answer, sing, close, consider, insist, read, learn, prepare, pay, hurt, improve....


 这类动词作不及物动词是一个意义;而作及物动词时却是另一个意义。如lift作不及物动词时是指烟雾的"消散"。we saw the mountain when the clouds lifted. 作及物动词时是"升高;举起"。 He lifted his glass and drank. 

类似的还有:beat vi.跳动 vt. 敲、打; grow vi.生长 vt. 种植 play vi.玩耍 vt. 打(牌、球),演奏 smell vi.发出(气味) vt. 嗅 ring vi.(电话、铃)响vt.打电话 speak vi.讲话 vt. 说(语言) hang vi. 悬挂 vt. 绞死 operate vi.动手术 vt. 操作

 需要注意的一点是:少数不及物动词唯一可跟的宾语是同源宾语,如:I dreamed a dream last night.

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