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简介1.高考励志英语美文摘抄2.二百字高三励志美文,急急急!!3.美文摘抄赏析 议论段4.跪求描写高考的优美散文诗句,可以自创,重点突出青春奋斗与伤感离别的感觉。高考励志英语美文摘抄励志教育对于每一个个体的成长成才具有重要作用,贯穿于个体发展的全过程。我精心收集了高考励志英语美文,供大家欣赏学习! 高考励志英语美文:Dreams Are the Stuff Life Is Made Of By C



3.美文摘抄赏析 议论段





高考励志英语美文:Dreams Are the Stuff Life Is Made Of

By Carroll Carroll

I believe I am a very lucky man.

My entire life has been lived in the healthy area between too little and too much. I’ve never experienced financial or emotional insecurity, but everything I he, I’ve attained by my own work, not through indulgence, inheritance, or privilege.

Never hing lived by the abuses of any extreme, I’ve always felt that a workman is worthy of his hire, a merchant entitled to his profit, an artist to his reward.

As a result of all this, my bargaining bump may be a little underdeveloped, so I’ve never tried to oversell myself. And though I may work for less than I know I can get, I find that because of this, I’m never so afraid of losing a job that I’m forced to promise with my principles.

Naturally in a life as mentally, physically, emotionally, and financially fortunate as mine has been, a great many people he helped me. A few meant to, most did so by accident. I still feel I must reciprocate. This doesn’t mean that I’ve dedicated my life to my fellow man. I’m not the type. But I do feel I should help those I’m qualified to help, just as I’ve been helped by others.

What I’m saying now is, I feel, part of that pattern. I think everyone should, for his own sake, try to reduce to six hundred words the beliefs by which he lives—it’s not easy—and then pare those beliefs with what he enjoys—not in real estate and money and goods, but in love, health, hiness, and laughter.

I don’t believe we live our lives and then receive our reward or punishment in some afterlife. The life and the reward…the life and the punishment—these to me are one. This is my religion, coupled with a firm belief that there is a Supreme Being who planned this world and runs it so that “no man is an island, entire of himself…” The dishonesty of any one man subverts all honesty. The lack of ethics anywhere *** erates the whole world’s ethical content. In these—honesty and ethics—are, I think, the true spiritual values.

I believe the hope for a thoroughly honest and ethical society should never be laughed at. The most idealistic dreams he repeatedly forecast the future. Most of the things we think of today as hard, practical, and even indispensable were once merely dreams.

So I like to hope that the world need not be a dog-eat-dog jungle. I don’t think I’m my brother’s keeper. But I do think I’m obligated to be his helper. And that he has the same obligation to me.

In the last *** ysis, the entire pattern of my life and belief can be found in the words “do NOT do unto others that which you would NOT he others do unto you.” To say “Do unto others as you would he others DO unto you” somehow implies bargaining, an offer of for for for. But to restrain from acts which you, yourself, would abhor is an exercise in will power that must raise the level of human relationship.

“What is unpleasant to thyself,” says Hillel, “THAT do NOT unto thy neighbor. This is the whole law,” and he concluded, “All else is exposition.”

高考励志英语美文:Keep the Innocent Eye

By Sir Hugh Casson

When I Accepted the invitation to join in "This I Believe," it was not-goodness knows-because I felt I had anything profound to contribute. I regarded it-selfishly, perhaps-as a chance to get my own ideas straight. I started, because it seemed simplest that way, with my own profession. The signposts I try to follow as an architect are these: to keep the innocent eye with which we are all born, and therefore always to be astonished; to respect the scholar but not the style snob; to like what I like without humbug, but also to train my eye and mind so that I can say why I like it; to use my head but not to be frightened to listen to my heart for there are some things which can be learned only through emotion; finally, to develop to the best of my ability the best that lies within me.

But what, you may say, about the really big problems of life- Religion? Politics? World Affairs? Well, to be honest, these great problems do not weigh heily upon my mind. I he always cared more for the *** all simplicities of life-family affection, loyalty of friends, joy in creative work.

Religion? Well, when challenged I describe myself as "Church of England," and as a child I went regularly to church. But today, though I respect churchgoing as an act of piety and enjoy its sidelines, so to speak, the music and the architecture, it holds no significance for me. Perhaps, I don't know, it is the atmosphere of death in which religion is so steeped that has discouraged me-the greyards, the parsonical voice, the thin damp *** ell of stone. Even today a "holy" face conjures up not saintliness but moroseness. So, most of what I learned of Christian morality I think I really learned indirectly at home and from friends.

World Affairs? I wonder if some of you remember a famous prewar cartoon. It depicted a crocodile emerging from a peace conference and announcing to a huge flock of sheep labeled "People of the World", "I am so sorry we he failed. We he been unable to restrain your warlike ambitions." Frankly, I feel at home with those sheep-mild, benevolent, rather rehensive creatures, acting together by instinct and of course very, very woolly. But I he learned too, I think, that there is still no force, not even Christianity, so strong as patrioti *** ; that the instinctive wisdom with which we all act in moments of crisis-that queer code of conduct which is understood by all but never formulated-is a better guide than any panel of professors; and finally that it is the inferiority plex, usually the result of an unhy or unlucky home, which is at the bottom of nearly all our troubles. Is the solution, then, no more than to see that every child has a hy home? I'm not sure that it isn't. Children are nearer truth than we are. They he the innocent eye.

If you think that such a philosophy of life is superficial or tiresomely homespun or irresponsible, I will remind you in reply that the title of this series is "This I Believe”-not "This I ought to believe," nor even "This I would like to believe”-but, "This I Believe."

高考励志英语美文:Flotsam, Jetsam, and Liberty

By James Carey

Perhaps more than anything else in the world, I believe in liberty: liberty for myself, liberty for my fellow men. I cannot forget the legend engred on the base of the Statue of Liberty on Bedlows Island in New York Harbor: Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless tempest tossed to me. I lift my lamp beside the golden door. That is the voice of America.

As one *** all part of it, one tiny decibel in its sound, I, as a free individual of America, believe in it. It makes no boast of noble ancestry. On the contrary, it admits honestly that each of us in this country, with a possible and qualified exception of our native Indians, is a displaced person. In a particular kind of way, the Indian was our first displaced person. If you and I did not e from abroad ourselves, our forefathers did. The scores that drove them was economic, political, or religious oppression.

Oppression has always strewn the shores of life with wretched human refuse. We who today are the proud people of a proud country are what might be called the reclaimed refuse of other lands. The fact that the flotsam and the jetsam, the persecuted and the pursued of all these other lands, the fact that they came here and, for the most part, successfully started life anew, this renews my faith in the resilience of a human individual and the dignity of man.

There are those who say we should be content with the material benefits we he accrued among ourselves. I cannot accept that for myself. A laboring man needs bread and butter, and cash to pay the rent. But he would be a poor individual, indeed, if he were not able to furnish the vestibule of his mind and his soul with spiritual embellishments beyond the price of a union contract.

I mean by this that I believe it is important for a man to discover, whether he is an electrical worker or an executive, that he is an individual with his own resources and a sense of the dignity of his own person and that of other men. We are separate. We are collective. Man can be strong alone but not indomitable, in isolation. He has to belong to something, to realize he is not created separately or apart from the rest of mankind, whether he is an American or a Mohammedan.

I am stirred by the abundance of the fields, the forest, the streams, and the natural resources they hold. But do these things make me important? He we wrought the miracle of America because of these riches we hold? I say, no. Our strength—and I can say my strength, too, because I am a part of this whole—lies in a fundamental belief in the validity of human rights. And I believe that a man who holds these rights in proper esteem is greater, whether he is recognized or not.

As an individual, I must face the future with honesty and faith, in the goods things that he made us mighty. I must he confidence in myself, in others, and all men of goodwill everywhere, for freedom is the child of truth and confidence.






美文摘抄赏析 议论段














2、狂妄自大的民族不喜欢聆听,他们只会穷兵黩武,贪欲和傲慢遮挡了他们的视线;闭关自守的民族不喜欢聆听,他们只会坐井观天,浅陋和愚昧妨碍了他们的 进取;急功近利的民族不喜欢聆听,他们只会浅尝辄止,浮躁和短视制约了他们的识见。因此,只有喜欢聆听的民族,才是富有智慧的民族。

3、祖国的语言,像繁星那样灿烂,像珍珠那样宝贵,像牡丹那样美丽,像梅花那样芬芳;祖国的语言,耸立着珠峰,镌刻着长城,绵延着昆仑,流淌着黄河;有 汉魏风骨,唐宋诗章,金元曲剧,明清;有皇宫凤阕,阆苑奇葩,竹篱茅塘,朝日霞光;有婉约浓艳,朴素大方,清新冷峻,典雅豪放。

4、有人说,秋风是冷酷无情的,抱怨它吹落了树叶,吹下了果实,吹掉了,说它吹走了一个勃勃生机的世界。人们啊,你可曾想过这样的道理吗?如果不是 秋风将树叶吹落了稍头,那片片叶子不是要被严冬撕碎吗?如果不是秋风将果实卸下枝头,那果实不是要被冰雪吞噬吗?如果不是秋风将吹下茎杆,那不是 要被酷寒冻僵吗?是秋风,把叶子介绍给根须,使它找到了延续生命的道路;是秋风,把果实领进了温暖的家,使它保存了生命的胚胎;是秋风,把藏进了厚实 的泥土,使它有一个萌生春天的温床。

5、家可以延伸到很远很远,包容大千世界;家可以缩得很小很小,仅两个人也可打得不可开交。家可以绿树成荫,繁华似锦,围起一个小鸟的天堂。家可以狼籍 一片,血流漂杵,筑成一对男女的死牢。关键须每位成员既是国王也是兵,建设它守卫它,和谐地调整家的内政外交,处理好家的边关防务。

6、翻开古代诗词,你可以一一品味诗人们深切的思想感情,继而有所思,有所悟。读王维、孟浩然,你懂得了什么是钟情山水;读杜甫、白居易,你懂得了什么 是忧民情结;读辛弃疾、陆游,你懂得了什么是爱国情怀。读着、品着,你已经和诗人们融为一体了,潜移默化中提高了自己的品德修养和审美情趣。

7、人往往懦弱而爱抱歉:他不敢直说“我想”“我是”,而是援引一些圣人智者的话语;面对一片草叶或一朵玫瑰,他也会抱愧负疚。他或为向往所耽,或为追 忆所累。其实,美德与生命力之由来,了无规矩,殊不可知;你何必窥人轨辙,看人模样,听人命令——你的行为,你的思想、品格应全然新异。


9、有的人,在阳光明媚的日子里愿意把伞借给你,而下雨的时候,他却打着伞悄悄地先走了。有的人,在你有权有势的时候,围着你团团转,而你离职了,或无 权无势了,他却躲得远远的。有的人,在面对你倾诉深情的时候,语言的表达像流淌一条清亮、甜美的大河,而在河床底下,却潜藏着一股污浊的暗流。有的人,在 你辛勤播种的时候,他袖手旁观,不肯洒下一滴汗水,而当你收获的时候,他却毫不愧色地以各种理由来分享你的果实。有的人,注重外表的修饰,且穿着显示出一 种华贵,而内心深处却充满了空虚。充满了无知与愚昧,那种无文化的形态,常常不自觉地流露在他的言语行动中。

10、读别人,其实也在读自己,读真、读善、读美的同时,也读道貌岸然背后的伪善,也读美丽背后的丑恶,也读微笑背后的狡诈。读人,最重要的是读懂怎样为 人。读人,是为了要做一个真正的人。因此,读人时,要学会宽容,要学会大度,由此才能读到一些有益于自己的东西,才能读出高尚,才能读出欢乐,才能读出幸福。

11、有人不择手段地沽名钓誉,结果名声扫地;雷锋做好事从不留名,却享誉神州;有人要写长留世上的文字,结果速被遗忘;鲁迅惟愿文章速朽,却光耀千古。 问天下文章几篇能留住?繁星满天,只取一勾新月。有人千方百计地追求长命,结果一生平庸。王勃英年早逝,却留下千古绝唱。

12、书是我的精神食粮,它重塑了我的灵魂。当简·爱说:“我们是平等的,我不是无感情的机器”,我懂得了作为女性的自尊;当裴多菲说:“若为自由故,二 者皆可抛”,我懂得了作为人的价值;当鲁迅说:“不在沉默中爆发,就在沉默中灭亡”,我懂得了人应具有的反抗精神;当白朗宁说:“拿走爱,世界将变成一座 坟墓”,我懂得了为他人奉献爱心是多么重要。

13、用不着把一句:“夕阳无限好,只是近黄昏”的千古绝唱反复品味出苦涩而徒自悲伤。我生命的指针处在八九点钟,正是旭日东升的美好时刻,只要我努力地 前行,世界的各个角落都会看到我的身影。这个世界,我不知道是不是有点儿寒冷,但我愿用自己微薄的力量,送给每个感到凉意的朋友一份温暖、一缕光明






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