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Ⅰ 用英文描述马云的经历

from Wiki

Ma Yun (Chinese: 马云, [ma? y?n]; born September 10, 1964),known professionally as Jack Ma, is a Chinese business magnate who is the founder and executive chairman of Alibaba Group, a conglomerate of Inter-based businesses.

He is one of China's richest men, as well as one of the wealthiest people in Asia, with a worth of US$46.9 billion, as of October 2017. He has bee a global icon in business and entrepreneurship, one of the world's most influential busines *** en, and a philanthropist known for expounding his philosophy of business. He was ranked 2nd in Fortune's 2017 "World's 50 Greatest Leaders" list.

Ma is one of the world's most powerful people, and has been a global inspiration to many, giving numerous lectures, enlightenments and advices throughout his life career.

Ⅱ 关于中国互联网之父马云的英语作文

In 1999, resign from the public position formally, establishment the website of 巴 , expand the electronic merce applied, is the business of B2B particularly.Current, the is an one of the biggest the website of B2B of worlds. the success of the website of , make horse cloud got to invite many times world a high etc. university speak to learn, center include fertile a college of merce, province science and engineering, Harvard...etc. of the second university in in method in in guest. 1988-1995 Hangzhou electronics the faculty of engineering English and international trade lecturer; 1995-1997 establishment China the first Inter business information announces the website" Chinese yellow page"; 1997- bee number of the outside economic trade a Chinese international electronic merce center in 1999, develop the outside economic trade an authorities stands to order and last Chinese modity exchange in market; Establish the up to now in 1999 the website of , and bee the biggest B2B of world electronic merce terrace quickly, now already biggest indivial in Asia forced sale website; The square electronics in independent the third in establishment pays the terrace in 2003, current reside the first in the Chinese market. The 2005 cooperates with the biggest gate in world website Yahoo strategy, annexing its in allly property, the therefore bees the Chinese biggest Inter pany. Bee up to now in 2006 the see o sets of 《s win in Chinese 》 most contain special features, most was by the influence , still use Chinese Yahoo with the wins for the 《 to provide the terrace in the Chinese 》 authorities website.The 《 wins to sponsor the person in the Chinese 》 :King benefit

Ⅲ 马云故事的简介,要写进作文里的,不能太长,要写到他经历的挫折





噩梦般的讨债之旅结束了,马云灰溜溜地回到了杭州,身上只剩下1美元和一个疯狂的念头。成为“阿里巴巴”马云的想法是,把中国企业的资料集中起来,快递到美国,由设计者做好网页向全世界发 布,利润则来自向企业收取的费用。


Ⅳ 求马云的英文简介




Ⅳ 马云奋斗的英文故事(用英文写的,很急!!!)



The trip to the United States made Ma Yun know a new world - the Inter After careful consideration, Huang Renren resigned from his position as a business teacher in China


In 1997, Ma Yun and his team joined the China international e-merce center of the Ministry of foreign trade and economic cooperation to develop the official website of the Ministry of foreign trade and economic cooperation and the online Chinese modity trading market


In 1999, Ma Yun returned to Hangzhou and founded alibaba, the first e-merce website in China to serve the world's *** all and medium-sized enterprises


Ⅵ 马云的故事


马云在大学时学下围棋,曾以大排为赌注把外语系所有的男生杀了个遍,并因此喜欢上了战略布局,中盘角逐,收官。 并且在大学毕业那年被浙江嵊州少体校一名5、6岁的棋童杀得“丢盔弃甲”。










1999年4月15日,阿里巴巴网站正式上线。Invest AB副总裁蔡崇信听说阿里巴巴后,飞赴杭州洽谈投资,在和马云谈了4天后,决定辞职加入阿里巴巴。

Ⅶ 求马云的成名故事英文的,长点的。


Ma Yun is chief executive officer (CEO) of the Hangzhou-based Alibaba Neorking Technology Co in east China's Zhejiang Province. A former teacher of English in Zhejiang, Ma started the country's first e-merce website - china.alibaba - in 1998.In just six years, it has bee the leader in its field, serving well over 50,000 member traders in 200 countries and regions, with an annual business turnover amounting to about US$10 billion. Heaven stands by iron-willed men Ma's story seems legendary. "The first few years were pretty good for us," he recalled. "In 2001 and 2002, however, the so-called 'Inter bubble' exploded and because of that, staying alive became our top concern." Despite the adversity, Ma did not give up his ambition of turning the pany into the greatest of its kind in the world. "I believe in the Chinese proverb 'Heaven stands by iron-willed men,'" he told the audience. "Heaven," so to speak, did e to his rescue beeen late April and early July of 2003 when the SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome) outbreak hit China. "For a time, travel, visits and conferences had to be cancelled. "Suddenly, business people realized that transactions could be negotiated and concluded via the Inter and that business people did not have to meet face-to-face. Alibaba boomed overnight," Ma said. In 2003, Alibaba generated an average of 1 million yuan (US$121,000) per day in turnover. Since the beginning of 2004, it has yielded a daily average of 1 million yuan in profit. For 2005, "the pany aims at paying 1 million yuan in taxes per day, leaving a profit of at least 2 million yuan (US$241,800)." Asked about the secret of his success, Ma cited the famous tale about the race beeen the tortoise and the hare, where the former won. To be successful in this world, he said, "you must bine the merits of both: the speed of the hare and the enrance and willpower of the tortoise." In 2004, Alibaba invested US$84 million in business expansion, mainly in overseas operations. Alibaba is not the only Chinese business that has begun to develop itself overseas, or "go global."

Ⅷ 求一篇英语人物介绍,介绍马云简介就行,不用太多6 ,7句左右就行,简单一点的。要附有中文翻译。

马云,男,1964年9月10日生于浙江省杭州市,祖籍浙江省嵊州市(原嵊县)谷来镇,版 阿里巴巴集团主权要创始人,现担任阿里巴巴集团董事局主席、日本软银董事、TNC(大自然保护协会)中国理事会主席兼全球董事会成员、华谊兄弟董事、生命科学突破奖基金会董事。

Ⅸ 马云 成功之前做了什么用英语介绍


Ⅹ 马云的英文简介100字

Ma Yun is the chief of Alibaba,he is one of the famous people in the world. He's thin and short, but he's very *** art. He's experienced a very hard time. At that time he had no money to do what he wanted to do. But he insisted to do what he liked to do. She is really a person who is wealthy being admired .With the ing of the Singles Day,As the biggest retailer online,He will earn much money.And he will bee the focus again, I think.

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