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简介六年级学生在复习小升初英语时要养成好的学习习惯,注意备考技巧。我在此整理了2017年小升初英语模拟试题及答案,供大家参阅,希望大家在阅读过程中有所收获! 2017年小升初英语模拟试题  Ⅰ.词汇(5分)  1.____________(Japan)come from Japan.  2.We teach ____________(they)English.  3.My cous





 1.____________(Japan)come from Japan.

 2.We teach ____________(they)English.

 3.My cousin ____________(have)a new dictionary.

 4.There are four ____________(tomato)on the table.

 5.My mother often____________(buy)some nice food on weekends.


 1.I don?t like ____________ thrillers ____________ playing baseball.

 A. watching; or B. watching; and C. to watch; or

 2.I like you, Tom. Let?s ____________ good friends.

 A. do B. be C. have

 3.?Who are your parents talking ____________?

 ?I don?t know.

 A. for B. to C. on

 4.Can Lily ____________ French?

 A. say B. speak C. talk

 5.____________! Tom. It?s 7: 00 o?clock.

 A. Go to bed B. Get on C. Get up

 6.Classes are over. The students are ____________ now.

 A. having breakfast B. leaving school C. sitting down


 ?It?s six o?clock.

 A. What time is it B. What day is it C. How old are you

 8.?Where does the man ____________?

 ?In a room near here.

 A. come B. go C. stay

 9.Football is ____________ game.

 A. boys? B. a boy?s C. boy?s

 10.The teacher and the students talk ____________ English ____________ class.

 A. in; in the B. in; in C. with; in the


 A: Good morning. Can I help you?

 B: 1  I want to buy a shirt for my son.

 A: The shirts are over there. This way, please. 2 .

 B: Hmm, I like the style(样式), but I don?t like the color.

 A: OK. 3  How about this one?

 B: That?s my son?s favourite color. 4

 A. 35 yuan.

 B: OK. 5 . Here?s the money.

 A: Thank you.

 A. I?ll take it.

 B. Let me show you another one.

 C. Yes, please.

 D. How much is it?

 E. Do you like this shirt?


 1.His family are from Japan. (对划线部分提问)

 2.He likes English and math. (改一般疑问句)

 3.I have some books in my backpack. (改否定句)

 4.Does your father like sport? (做肯定回答)

 5.The little boy goes to school at 7: 30.(对划线部分提问)


 1.It ____________ (be)seven o?clock in the evening now. Mr. and Mrs Smith ____________ ____________(have)supper.

 2.?What ____________ Kevin____________(do)on weekends?

 ?He sometimes ____________(clean)his room. Sometimes he ____________(wash)his clothes.

 3.Jeff ____________(like)____________(live)in China very much. He ____________ (say) China is great.

 4.Listen! The girl ____________ ____________(sing)now. She often ____________(sing)at this time of day.



 He is a ____________ boy, but ____________ he is very ____________.


 I ____________ ____________ successful.


 ____________ do you usually ____________ ____________?


 ____________ is your father?s favourite ____________? Blue.


 ____________ you ____________ TV ____________ weekends?


 Mr Li ____________ ____________ in Japan.


 My favourite ____________ ____________ science.


 Mr Brown ____________ ____________ Canada.


 Dear Li Ming:

 How are you? I miss(想念)you very much.

 Let me  1  you something about us. My brother and I are in  2  school. We have classes  3  Monday to Friday.

 4 weekends, we don?t have  5  classes. We  6  many American friends now. We often play games together(一起) 7 school. They help us with our English. How many classes do you  8   9 week? Do you like it?

 Please  10 me soon.


 1.A. say B. speak C. tell

 2.A. different B. same C. the same

 3.A. from B. on C. between

 4.A. In B. On C. Between

 5.A. some B. many C. any

 6.A. are having B. have C. has

 7.A. behind B. after C. from

 8.A. teach B. play C. have

 9.A. every B. the C. an

 10.A. speak to B. tell C. write to



 Mr and Mrs Smith come from Sydney. They teach English in a middle school in China. They like their work. They have a son and a daughter, Jim and Sue. They are all in China now. Mr Smith can speak Chinese. He likes swimming and reading. Mrs Smith likes swimming in the afternoon and cooking. Jim and Sue like playing chess. They often play games with Chinese boys and girls.

 Jim?s uncle, Green, works on a farm(在农场里)near Sydney.

 He likes swimming, too. He wants to work in China. But he can?t speak Chinese. So he is still there and goes to Chinese classes every week.

 1.Where are Jim and Sue from?

 A. America B. Canada C. Australia

 2.What does Mr Smith like? He likes ____________.

 A. cooking B. reading C. playing games

 3.What does Jim?s uncle like? He likes ____________.

 A. reading B. playing games C. swimming

 4.Where does Sue?s uncle work?

 A. On a farm. B. In a school. C. In a club.

 5.Who works in different countries(国家)now?

 A. Mr and Mrs Smith.

 B. Mr Smith and his uncle.

 C. Mr Smith and his brother.


 Brain is a school boy. He?s twelve. He lives in Shanghai now. He is from England. He studies in a junior middle school. He gets up at half past five every day. He has breakfast at seven after that, he goes to school with his friends. They have four classes in the morning and two in the afternoon. In the evening he does his homework at home, but he often watches TV on Saturday evening. Brain likes drawing. He joins an art club. He likes reading story books. Now he is reading an English book in his room.

 1.Brain is a ____________.

 A. student B. girl C. teacher

 2.Brain gets up ____________every day.

 A. at seven B. early C. at six

 3.Brain does his homework ____________.

 A. every evening B. at school C. at home

 4.Brain likes ____________.

 A. English and Chinese B. playing football C. drawing and reading

 5.Brain has ____________ classes at school every day.

 A. four B. six C. five


 Ⅰ.1.Japanese 2.them 3.has 4.tomatoes 5.buys

 Ⅱ.1~5 ABBBC 6~10 BACAB

 Ⅲ.1~5 CEBDA

 Ⅳ.1.Where are his family from?

 2.Does he like English and math?

 3.I don?t have any books in my backpack.

 4.Yes, he does.

 5.What time/When does the little boy go to school?

 Ⅴ.1.is, are having 2.does, do, cleans, washes 3.likes, living, says 4.is singing, sings

 Ⅵ.1.quiet, sometimes, funny 2.hope she?s 3.When, get up 4.What, color 5.Do, watch, on 6.teaches Chinese 7.subject is 8.is from

 Ⅶ.1~5 CCABC 6~10 BBCAC






 21. ? Where will you live?

 ? I will live_______ a space station.

 A. at B. of C. on D. to

 22.(2016?安徽)Many wild animals are _____, and it?s time for us to do whatever we can to protect them.

 A. on duty B. on show C. in order D. in danger

 23. ?What do you usually have for breakfast?

 ?_______ milk and _______ eggs.

 A. A little; a few B. A little; a little

 C. A few; a little D. A few; a few

 24. Lily is _______ her book, but she can?t ______ it.

 A. looking for; find B. finding; look for

 C. looking for; look for D. finding; find

 25. We plant _______trees every year.

 A. hundreds of B. hundred of

 C. five hundreds D. five hundred of

 26. There _______ a football game between Italy and Germany tomorrow morning.

 A. will have B. will be C. have D. has been

 27. ? _______ will he arrive here?

 ?In an hour.

 A. How long B. How often C. How soon D. How far

 28. (2016?沈阳) I think that you need to eat _______ sweets and more fruit.

 A. few B. fewer C. little D. less

 29. (2016?广东)With the development of science and technology, robot cooks _______ in the future.

 A. appear B. appeared C. will appear D. were appearing

 30.You?re right. I agree _______ you.

 A. to B. on C. with D. at


 Robots seem very new to most people. But they have a long history. The 31 one was made by a Greek inventor(发明家). You may 32 robots in some films. The robots in these

 33 are stronger, faster and cleverer than people. In real life, most robots are used in factories. They are used to do many dangerous, difficult or boring 34 . Some people can?t look after 35 and robots are used to help them. For example, some people can?t see. Many of these people use a 36 to help them move around. This dog is called a guide dog. 37 are making a robot to help them. In the future, robot dogs 38 take the place of(代替) these guide dogs.

 Robots are also 39 in American hospitals. At one hospital, a robot takes meals 40 the kitchen to the sick people?s rooms. It never loses its way because it has a map of the hospital in its computer system(系统).

 In the future, robots will work in space. But robots will never take the place of humans. They can help us in a lot of different ways.

 31. A. first B. second C. third D. fourth

 32. A. look B. watch C. look for D. see

 33. A. factories B. apartments C. films D. programs

 34. A. chores B. homework C. housework D. jobs

 35. A. they B. their C. themselves D. them

 36. A. dog B. cat C. parrot D. panda

 37. A. Doctors B. Reporters C. Teachers D. Scientists

 38. A. must B. might C. have to D. has to

 39. A. used B. took C. made D. looked

 40. A. with B. to C. from D. for



 Do you know the movie I, Robot? It tells us a story about the future.

 The year is 2035 and robots are just as common as mobile phones. People depend on their robots to do lots of things, for example, babysitting, cooking, doing chores and taking their dogs for a walk. Robots have to obey(听从) humans? orders, because their designers make them do so. A police officer called Spooner hates robots. He doesn?t think humans can get on well with their robots at all! But the scientist Susan has different opinions. Susan works on robots? mind and she thinks one day robots will become more powerful(强大的) than humans and help humans to make progress(进步).

 When Spooner and Susan work together, they find that something is wrong with the world?s robots. A few robots have their own thoughts and they?re trying to get out of humans? control(控制)! Of course these robots? dream doesn?t come true. Humans work hard to control their robots again and they succeed at last.

 41. The story will happen(发生) in _______.

 A. 2010 B. 2020 C. 2035 D. 2040

 42. The phrase ?depend on? in this article means _______.

 A. 依靠 B. 悬挂 C. 相信 D. 取决于

 43. Spooner is a _______ and Susan is a _______.

 A. scientist; professor B. bank clerk; police officer

 C. policeman; doctor D. police officer; scientist

 44. Susan thinks that one day _______.

 A. robots can?t get on well with humans

 B. robots will help humans to make progress

 C. robots will have their own thoughts

 D. robots will control the world

 45. Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to this article?

 A. The movie I, Robot talks about the future.

 B. People use their robots to do everything.

 C. A few robots want to get out of humans? control.

 D. At last humans succeed in controlling the robots again.


 Dear Anita,

 In your last letter you asked me about my plans for the future. First, I will finish high school. Then I will go to college and study to be a doctor. I won?t get married right away because it takes a long time to become a doctor. I want to help sick people. I?m going to learn a lot about illness. Maybe I will find a treatment for cancer. I?ll be famous and I will become very rich.

 After I become a successful doctor, I?ll get married. I want to marry an interesting person. For example, my wife might be an artist. We will have a wonderful life together. I think we will have one or two children. Doctors get paid quite a lot so I think we will have a nice house. We will travel a lot. I want to visit Australia, Europe, and Africa.

 Are these plans or dreams? Do they sound crazy to you? Write soon and tell me about your plans.




 ( ) 46. John wants to become a doctor.

 ( ) 47. John wants to get married very soon.

 ( ) 48. John?s wife won?t be interesting.

 ( ) 49. John wants to have a lot of children.

 ( ) 50. John will travel to India.


 51. There is much ice. Please be careful, or you?ll f_________ down.

 52. People all over the world love _________(和平).

 53. The earth is one of the eight ________(行星).

 54. There?re many f_________ near here. They pollute the air and water.

 55. I don?t understand the article, because there?re so many new w________.


 56. I don?t think it?s a good idea. I _______ (agree) with you.

 57. It?s _________(danger) to play in the street.

 58. It?s _________(possible) for me to finish the work in such a short time.

 59. He was surprised by all the ________(pollute) on the beach.

 60. She is friendly to others, so she has _______ (many) friends than me.


 61. Sally played football yesterday. (用tomorrow改写句子)

 Sally _______ _______ football tomorrow.

 62. The Greens will go to Hainan Island for vacation. (改为一般疑问句)

 _______ the Greens _______ _______ Hainan Island for vacation?

 63. There will be more people in our country. (改为否定句)

 _______ _______ _______ more people in our country.

 64. I will live in Shanghai in ten years. (就画线部分提问)

 _______ _______ you live in ten years?

 65. Our team seems to win the game. (改为同义句)

 _______ _______ _______ our team will win the game.


 以 Students? life in 50 years为题写一篇80词左右的文章,畅想一下未来的学习生活。


1. 初中英语句子练习题

2. 初中英语阅读理解练习题及答案

3. 初中英语阅读强化练习题附答案

4. 初中英语完形填空练习题答案解析

文章标签: # to # ____________ # the