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简介1.2013高考英语完形Last spring, I was fortunate to be chosen to participate in an exchange study2.状语从句3.求一个英语状语从句详细讲解的PPT4.状语从句的用法状语从句 (Adverbial Clause) 状语从句指句子用作状语时,起副词作用的句子。它可以修饰谓语、非谓语动词、定语、状语或整个句子。根据其作用可

1.2013高考英语完形Last spring, I was fortunate to be chosen to participate in an exchange study





状语从句 (Adverbial Clause) 状语从句指句子用作状语时,起副词作用的句子。它可以修饰谓语、非谓语动词、定语、状语或整个句子。根据其作用可分为时间、地点、原因、条件、目的、结果、让步、方式和比较等从句。状语从句一般由连词(从属连词)引导,也可以由词组引起。从句位于句首或句中时通常用逗号与主句隔开,位于句尾时可以不用逗号隔开。

状语从句主要用来修饰主句或主句的谓语。一般可分为九大类,分别表示时间、地点、原因、目的、结果、条件、让步、比较和方式。尽管种类较多,但由于状语从句与汉语结构和用法相似,所以理解和掌握它并不难。状语从句的关键是要掌握引导不同状语从句的常用连接词 和特殊的连接词即考点。现分别列举如下:

1. 时间状语从句

常用引导词:when, as, while, as soon as, before, after, since , till, until 特殊引导词:the minute, the moment, the second, every time, the day,the instant, immediately , directly, no sooner … than, hardly …when, scarcely … when I didn’t realize how special my mother was until I became an adult. While John was watching TV, his wife was cooking. The children ran away from the orchard(果园), the moment they saw the guard. No sooner had I arrived home ,then it began to rain. Every time I listen to your advice, I get into trouble.

2. 地点状语从句

常用引导词:where 特殊引导词:wherever, anywhere, everywhere Generally, air will be heavily polluted where there are factories. Wherever you go, you should work hard. 地点状语从句一般由连接副词where, wherever等引导,已经形成了固定的句型,例如: 句型1:Where+地点从句,(there)+主句。 注意此句型通常译成“哪里……哪里就……”;主句在从句后面时,there可用可不用;如果主句在从句的前面时,一般都不用there。例如: Where there is no rain, farming is difficult or impossible.在没有雨水的地方,耕作是困难的,或根本不可能的。 They were good persons. Where they went, there they were warmly welcomed. 他们都是好人。因此他们走到哪里都受到热烈欢迎。 You should have put the book where you found it. 你本来应该把书放回原来的地方。 Where the Communist Party of China goes, there the people are liberated.哪里有了中国***,哪里人民就得解放。 句型2:Anywhere/ wherever+地点从句,+主句。 注意anywhere本身是个副词,但是,常可以引导从句,相当于连词,意思相似于wherever, anywhere引导的从句可位于主句之前,也可以位于主句之后。 而wherever本身就是个连词,表示“在何处,无论何处”。例如: Wherever the sea is , you will find seamen.有海就有海员。

3. 原因状语从句

常用引导词:because, since, as, for 特殊引导词:seeing that, now that, in that, considering that, given that. My friends dislike me because I’m handsome and successful. Now that everybody has come, let’s begin our conference. The higher income tax is harmful in that it may discourage people from trying to earn more.

4. 目的状语从句

常用引导词:so that, in order that 特殊引导词:lest, in case, for fear that,in the hope that, for the purpose that, to the end that The boss asked the secretary to hurry up with the letters so that he could sign them. The teacher raised his voice on purpose that the students in the back could hear more clearly.

5. 结果状语从句

常用引导词:so … that, such … that, 特殊引导词:such that, to the degree that, to the extent that, to such a degree that, He got up so early that he caught the first bus. It’s such a good chance that we must not miss it. To such a degree was he excited that he couldn’t sleep last night.

6. 条件状语从句

常用引导词:if, unless, 特殊引导词:as/so long as, only if, providing/provided that, supposing that, in case that, on condition that We’ll start our project if the president agrees. You will certainly succeed so long as you keep on trying. Provided that there is no opposition, we shall hold the meeting here.

7. 让步状语从句

常用引导词:though, although, even if, even though 特殊引导词: as(用在让步状语从句中必须要倒装),while ( 一般用在句首 ),no matter …, in spite of the fact that, while, whatever, whoever, wherever, whenever, however, whichever Much as I respect him, I can’t agree to his proposal. 尽管我很尊敬他, 我却不同意他的建议。 The old man always enjoys swimming even though the weather is rough. No matter how hard he tried, she could not change her mind. He won’t listen whatever you may say.

8. 比较状语从句

常用引导词:as(同级比较), than(不同程度的比较) 特殊引导词:the more … the more … ; just as …, so…; A is to B what /as X is to Y; no … more than; not A so much as B She is as bad-tempered as her mother. The house is three times as big as ours. The more you exercise, the healthier you will be. Food to men is what oil is to machine. 食物之于人,犹如油之于机器。

9. 方式状语从句

常用引导词:as, as if, how 特殊引导词:the way When in Rome, do as the Roman do. She behaved as if she were the boss. Sometimes we teach our children the way our parents have taught us.

10. 状语从句的简化

状语从句的省略 状语从句同时具备下列两个条件:①主句和从句的主语一致,或从句主语为it;②从句主要动词是be的某种形式。从句中的主语和be动词常可省略。例如: When ( the museum is ) completed , the museum will be open to the public next year . He’ll go to the seaside for his holiday if (it is ) possible. 另外,比较状语从句经常省略。例如: I’m taller than he (is tall ). The higher the temperature (is), the greater the pressure (is ). 就状语从句而言,有时为了使语言言简意赅,常常将状语从句进行"简化"。状语从句的"简化"现象在口语中较为普遍,而且在高考中的复现率也较高。因此,有必要对其进行全面、透彻的了解。 状语从句的"简化"现象常存在于以下五种状语从句中:①由if, unless等引导的条件状语从句;②由although, though, even if / though等引导的让步状语从句;③由when, while, as, before, after, until / till等引导的时间状语从句;④由as, as if等引导的方式状语从句;⑤由as, than等引导的比较状语从句。下面针对这五种情形作一归纳。 (1)当状语从句的主语是it,且谓语动词是be时,it和be要完全简化掉。例如: If (it is) possible, he will help you out of the difficulty.如果可能的话,他会帮你摆脱困境。 You must attend the meeting unless (it is) inconvenient to you.除非情况对你来说不方便,否则你必须出席这次会议。 (2)当状语从句的主语和主句的主语一致时,从句可以将主语和be动词简化掉。常用于以下几种情形:


As (he was) young, he learned how to ride a bike.他小时候就学会了骑自行车。 Whenever (she is) free, she often goes shopping.她有空就去逛商店。 Work hard when (you are) young, or you'll regret.少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲。


While (he was) a young boy, he was always ready to help others.他在孩子时代就乐于助人。 Although (he was) a farmer, now he is a famous director.尽管他曾是个农民,但现在他是位著名的导演了。


As (she was) walking along the river bank, she was singing a pop song.她沿着河堤边走边唱着流行歌曲。 Although (he is) doing his best in maths these days, he has still got no good marks.尽管近来他一直在学数学,但他仍然没有取得好成绩。


He won't go there with us unless (he is) invited.除非受到邀请,否则他不会和我们一道去那里。 The concert was a great success than (it was) expected.这场音乐会出乎意料地取得了巨大成功。


He stood up as if (he were) to say something.当时他站起来好像要说什么。 He wouldn't solve the problem even if (he were) to take charge.即使他来负责,他也解决不了这个问题。


She looked anxious as though (she was) in trouble.她看上去很焦急,好像遇到了麻烦。 He had mastered the English language before (he was) in the USA.他到美国之前就懂英语了。 注意:当从句主语和主句主语不一致时,从句部分要么用完全形式,要么用独立主格结构来表达。例如: When the meeting was over, all the people went out of the meeting-room.当会议结束时,人们都走出了会议室。(=The meeting over,

2013高考英语完形Last spring, I was fortunate to be chosen to participate in an exchange study

一、时间状语从句 常用引导词:when(在…时), as(当…时), while(在…期间), as soon as(一……就……), before(在…之前), after(在...之后), since(自从...以来) , not...until(直到…才)untill/till(直到…时)等 特殊引导词:the minute, the moment, the second, every time, the day,the instant( 瞬间,顷刻), immediately , directly(不久,立即), no sooner … than(一...就...), hardly …when(刚一...就...) , scarcely … when(刚...就.../一...就...) 当用no sooner … than,hardly …when,scarcely … when作为引导词的时候,从句要部分倒装。 I didn’t realize how special my mother was until I became an adult.


While John was watching TV, his wife was cooking.


The children ran away from the orchard(果园), the moment they saw the guard.


No sooner had I arrived home than it began to rain.

还没等我到家就开始下雨了。(<--- This translation is wrong. No sooner...than... means something happened right after something happened. )(我一到家就开始下雨了。)

Every time I listen to your advice, I get into trouble.




特殊引导词:wherever, anywhere, everywhere

Generally, air will be heavily polluted where there are factories.


Wherever you go, you should work hard.


地点状语从句一般由连接副词where, wherever等引导,已经形成了固定的句型,例如:

Where there is no rain, farming is difficult or impossible.


They were good persons. Where they went, there they were warmly welcomed.


You should have put the book where you found it.


Where the Communist Party of China goes, there the people are liberated.


Wherever the sea is , you will find seamen.



常用引导词:because, since, as,

特殊引导词:seeing that, now that, in that, considering that, given that.

My friends dislike me because I’m handsome and successful.


Now that everybody has come, let’s begin our conference.


The higher income tax is harmful in that it may discourage people from trying to earn more.



常用引导词:so that, in order that

特殊引导词:lest, in case, for fear that,in the hope that, for the purpose that, to the end that

The boss asked the secretary to hurry up with the letters so that he could sign them.


The teacher raised his voice on purpose that the students in the back could hear more clearly.



常用引导词:so … that, such … that,

特殊引导词:such that, to the degree that, to the extent that, to such a degree that,

He got up so early that he caught the first bus.


It’s such a good chance that we must not miss it.


To such a degree was he excited that he couldn’t sleep last night.



常用引导词:if, unless,whether(whether...or not)

特殊引导词:as/so long as, only if, providing/provided that, supposing that, in case(美语中表条件,英语中表目的), on condition that

We’ll start our project if the president agrees.


You will certainly succeed so long as you keep on trying.


Provided that there is no opposition, we shall hold the meeting here.



常用引导词:though, although, even if, even though

特殊引导词: as(用在让步状语从句中必须要倒装),while ( 一般用在句首 ),no matter …, in spite of the fact that, whatever, whoever, wherever, whenever, however, whichever

Much as I respect him, I can’t agree to his proposal.

尽管我很尊敬他, 但是我却不同意他的建议。

The old man always enjoys swimming even though the weather is rough.


No matter how hard he tried, she could not change her mind.


He won’t listen whatever you may say.



常用引导词:as(同级比较), than(不同程度的比较)

特殊引导词:the more … the more … ; just as …, so…; A is to B what/as X is to Y; no … more than; not so much A as B

She is as bad-tempered as her mother.


The house is three times as big as ours.


The more you exercise, the healthier you will be.


Food is to men what oil is to machine.



常用引导词:as, as if, how

特殊引导词:the way

When in Rome, do as the Romans do.


She behaved as if she were the boss.


Sometimes we teach our children the way our parents have taught us.




When ( the museum is ) completed , the museum will be open to the public next year .


He’ll go to the seaside for his holiday if (it is ) possible.



I’m taller than he (is tall ).


The higher the temperature (is), the greater the pressure (is ).



状语从句的简化现象常存在于以下五种状语从句中:①由if, unless等引导的条件状语从句;②由although, though, even if / though等引导的让步状语从句;③由when, while, as, before, after, until / till等引导的时间状语从句;④由as, as if等引导的方式状语从句;⑤由as, than等引导的比较状语从句。下面针对这五种情形作一归纳。


If (it is) possible, he will help you out of the difficulty.


You must attend the meeting unless (it is) inconvenient to you。




As (he was) young, he learned how to ride a bike.


Whenever (she is) free, she often goes shopping.


Work hard when (you are) young, or you'll regret.



While (he was) a young boy, he was always ready to help others.


Although (he was) a farmer, now he is a famous director.



As (she was) walking along the river bank, she was singing a pop song.


Although (he is) doing his best in maths these days, he has still got no good marks.



He won't go there with us unless (he is) invited.


The concert was a great success than (it was) expected



He stood up as if (he were) to say something.


He wouldn't solve the problem even if (he were) to take charge.



She looked anxious as though (she was) in trouble.


He had mastered the English language before (he was) in the USA.



When the meeting was over, all the people went out of the meeting-room.

当会议结束时,人们都走出了会议室。(=The meeting over)


Language Points:

Para 1.

1. Participate in 比较take part in/play a (major) part in/play a( major/important) role

2. Ex-change study program交换生项目

exchange sth for sth, 比较 trade …for…. in exchange for,

可适当提示其他类似构成短语:in need of, in return for, in pursuit /search of, in relation to

3. How much I wanted …… 宾语从句 举其他例子,主要是除了that 之外的引导词所引导的宾语从句,并指出:(1)可以做动词宾语 (2.) 还可以做介词的宾语(3. )采用陈述语序,还可以有“Wh-词+不定式”的用法。 结合下面的“…all I could think about was …”对宾语从句的特殊语法点做适当延伸。

4. …While traveling was in … 讲一下while 引导时间状语从句和让步状语从句,以及while通常引导“对比”的用法。

5. …in France was What I … 这里讲一下what引导的表语从句, 可以和第3里面的宾语从句结合来讲。都属于名词性从句

Para 2

1. The moment 引导时间状语从句,还有其他表示“一… 就…”的,例如: The minute/instant/

as soon as/immediately/hardly …when…/ No sooner …than…

The +时间概念名词 引导时间状语从句:The second/week/year/month/ Spring/ last time/first time ……

2. …There had been a death… 这里系统一些There be 句型的诸多表现形式,注意其主谓一致问题,师太问题,及除Be动词之外, seems 及其他实意动词充当谓语的用法表现。

3. Asked whether I could share a bedroom with an …… 这里结合第3点里面 讲宾语从句,注意比较whether/if 引导宾语从句以及名词性从句时的不同。

4. … The same age as I 这里讲一下the same as 和the same that 的区别,顺便可以讲 so/such…that 结构的各种表现形式

5. Favorite adj/n Favor v. Win/lose one’s favor 和prefer用法比较

Para 3

1. Left France with many 这里Leave sb with sth 可表示多重含义, leave sb with a note

比较 leave for, leave …for …, leave behind/ off

On leave/ ask for leave( to do sth)

2. Seem so different 这里讲seem 的用法, It seems(seemed) that … 句式的转换

Seem like/ as if( though)的用法

3.End up+ 形容词、现在分词、过去分词、介宾短语

Endless adj. End up with. Bring sth to an end. Come to an end. Put sth to an end


2. 答案B. Knew 句子意思: 当我知道我将可以去时。 语义属性上knew 入选, A赞成 C想要, D拒绝均不合题意。

5. 答案A :预期。前文while一词已有提示 表达句子的“转折”逻辑关系,下文叙述了作者在法国的经历,提示读者那段经历不符合他预期的。 B喜欢 C 怀疑 D恐惧 语义不符。

6. 答案:C-迎接。Greet 打招呼,此处表示“迎接”,逻辑关系:作者一到法国,一对法国夫妇来迎接。A:赞助,B:目击,D:支持,均不符。

13. 答案为A:学期。前文已有提示,第一段最后一句话“nothing about my term in France was


16. 答案为B:探索, 探索法国。A:使人惊讶,C:描述,D:调查,均语义不符。

译文:去年春天,我有幸入选一个交换学习的项目。 在我的申请表上,我小心翼翼地表述了我对法国的渴望。 很明显,我用自己的话真实表述了我的兴奋之情。当我知道自己将要去的时候,我所想到的事情就是旅行他国的快了以及各类新鲜有趣的朋友。旅行是令人向往的,遇见别人也同样令人兴奋,然而,在法国度过的一个学期缺不像我先前预想的那样。

我一到法国,一对好心的法国夫妇就来迎接我,而我将在他们家庭寄宿。我全部经历都是愉悦且令人兴奋地,知道我从交换生项目负责人哪里了解到些令人震惊的消息:我寄宿父母的家人去世了。他们不得不离开法国几周。那天下午,我不得不搬去另一个寄宿家庭。负责人告诉我,这一次我将会有一个室友,并问我是否愿意和一个讲英语的人同住一个房间。为了拒绝讲母语的诱惑,我要求不要把我们放到一块儿。 当我进入自己的新房间时,我向新室友波西介绍自己。波西是巴西人,年龄和我一样。看到他正在播放一张我最喜欢的CD,我惊讶不已。在短短的几个月内,我们认识到我们将在这个学期剩下的时光中成为好朋友。

带着许多故事,我离开了法国。所以,当别人问起我在这次旅行中最美妙的收获的时候,我就会讲到和巴西朋友波西在白天上课,晚上去城里玩,周末去游历法国等经历,他们听了之后,都很吃惊。我喜欢看上去很不同人们,最终却变得如此相像。这次法国的交换学习之旅令我懂得了,最宝贵的不仅仅是尊重当地人,而是尊重所有人,因为,下一个最好朋友可能离你一个大陆之遥。 如果有人想去体验外国文化和结下有意义的友谊,我将推荐你参加交换生项目。








疑问代词+-ever: whatever/whichever/whoever(whomever)

疑问副词+-ever: wherever/whenever/however



疑问代词+-ever: whatever/whichever/whoever(whomever)


疑问副词+-ever: wherever/whenever/however

引导让步状语从句,可以替换为 no matter+疑问副词




引导让步状语从句,表示“无论何时”,相当于 at whatever time, no matter when等。如:

Whenever I see him, he's reading. 我无论什么时候看到他,他都在看书。

Whenever I go to London I try to see Vieky. 我什么时候去伦敦,都设法去看看维基。

Whenever you come, you are welcome. 你什么时候来,我们都欢迎。



The roof leaks whenever it rains. 这屋顶一下雨就漏。

I go to the theatre whenever I get the chance. 一有机会我就去看戏。

Whenever I mention playing football, he says he's too busy. 我一跟他提踢足球的事, 他就说太忙。


Whenever (it is) possible, he goes to see her. 只要有可能,他就去看她。

Robbie had arranged for this man to come whenever needed. 罗比安排好,随时需要这人就可以来。




内容提示: 状语从句状语从句时间状语从句地点状语从句原因状语从句的状目的状语从句结果状语从句条件状语从句方式状语从句让步状语从句比较状语从句从句 1 .时间状语从句1)由连词when, while, as, as soon as, before, after, since, till/ until等引导。?6?1 主句用将来时, 从句常用一般现在时表将来I will tell him when he comes back. 2)while, when, as辨析While引导的时间状语从句只指一段时间,强调某一段时间内, 主从句动作同时发生。 从句动词常是延续性的When既可以指一个时间点,也可以是一段既可以指个时间点,也可以是时间, 可表示主从句的动作同时或先后...

状语从句状语从句时间状语从句地点状语从句原因状语从句的状目的状语从句结果状语从句条件状语从句方式状语从句让步状语从句比较状语从句从句 1 .时间状语从句1)由连词when, while, as, as soon as, before, after, since, till/ until等引导。? 主句用将来时, 从句常用一般现在时表将来I will tell him when he comes back. 2)while, when, as辨析While引导的时间状语从句只指一段时间,强调某一段时间内, 主从句动作同时发生。 从句动词常是延续性的When既可以指一个时间点,也可以是一段既可以指个时间点,也可以是时间, 可表示主从句的动作同时或先后发生。 从句动词可以是延续性的, 也可以是非延续性的。As强调主句、 从句动作相并发生,译为” 一边…一边…”段 When he returned , his wife was cooking.While he was reading, his wife was cooking.He hurried home, looking behind as he went . 对比训练 1____ he heard this, he got very angry. 2. I met Lucy____ I was walking along the river.3. ____ a child, he lived in the countrysidecountryside.A. when B. while C. as 另外, when/while还作并列连词,连接并列分句,while表示 “而,可是” 如:I like reading while my wife enjoys watching TV.when表示 “就在这时” 在下列结构中, 表示某件事正在发生或刚刚发生, 另一动作同时发生。1.be about to do… when…2.be doing… when…3.had done… when…e.g. We were about to start when it began to rain.I was playing computer games when mom came in. while的用法小结 :①While I was walking down the street, Icame across an old friend. ( while=_______)②He likes pop music, while I am fond offolk music. ( whilefolk music. ( while③While I really don’t like art, I find hiswork impressive. (while=___________)whenwhenbutbutalthoughalthough We were about to leave____ it began to rain.2. She thought I was talking about her son, ____, in fact, I was talking about my son.3. Hardly had I finished my composition ____ the bell rang.A. when B. while C. as D. during 3)until/till(不用于句首)“延续的动词(肯定式) +until ”表示“直到…为止”I waited for him until he came back.“非延续性动词(否定式) +until ”表示“直到才”“直到┅才”He didn’t go to bed until he finished his work.注意: not until 在句首时要倒装Not until he saw it himself did he believe it. 4)表示“一…就…”的句型(1)as soon as, once, the moment/ minute/ second, immediately/ directly/ instantlyAs soon as he comes, I’ll tell him.The moment I saw him, I recognized him.I l ft idi t l thI left immediately the clock struck 5.(2)on / upon doing / on (upon) one’s +nOn arriving at the station, the thief was arrested.On his arrival in Paris, he was recognized as a famous person.lk tk 5 (3)no sooner… than/ hardly… when / scarcely… whenNo sooner had they reached home than it started to rain.Hardly had I entered the room when the telephone rangtelephone rang. 5)Every time, each time等也可以引导时间状语从句Every time I caught a cold , I had pain in my head. 连接词before的小结:1. We had sailed four days and four nights before we saw land.2. We hadn’t run a mile before he felt tired.4. Before I could get in a word, he had measured me.“……“……才”才”“ “不到不到…………就”就”“ “还没来得及”还没来得及”It will be a long time It will be a long time beforeIt won’t be long It won’t be long beforeIt is / has been two years It is / has been two years sincesthsth. .before………before…since sbsb did did 1 1) 句型) 句型It will be/wasIt will be/was+段时间+“ “还要过多久才还要过多久才……” 如:如: It will be two years It will be two years before the country.the country.2 2) 句型) 句型It will be/was notIt will be/was not+一段时间+“ “不多久就不多久就……”……”如:如:It wasn’t two years It wasn’t two years beforecountry.country.+段时间+before………” before he leaves before…he leaves +一段时间+before…before…before he left the he left the y y 一、 若since引导的状语从句的谓语动词是终止性的过去时, 则从句表示的时间是“从动作开始的那一时刻起” 。 如:He has studied very hard since he came to our school.自从他来到我们学校自从他来到我们学校, 他学习就非常努力。We have been missing them since they left here自从他们离开这里, 我们就一直很想念他们。他学习就非常 二、 若since引导的状语从句的谓语动词是持续性动词或表示状态的动词的过去时时, 则从句表示的时间是“从那持续动作或状态结束时算起” 。 如:I haven’t heard any noise since I slept. Sleep 为持续性动词, sleep的动作结束时,即“醒来” 时, 这句应译为“我醒后还未听到任何声音” 。John is now with his parents in New York, it is already three years since he was a teacher约翰现在和父母一起住在纽约, 他不当教师已经三年了。 How long is it since you lived in Shanghai?你离开(没住在) 上海多久了 延续性; 不… 多长时间了It is half a month since he was a League member.他退团(不当团员) 半个月了。It’s been quite some time since I was last in London我离开伦敦已很长时间了。比较比较: He has written to me frequently since I was ill.自从我病愈以来, 他屡次给我写信。(从句谓语为状态动词)He has written to me frequently since I fell ill.自从我生病以来, 他就屡次给我写信。(从句谓语为终止性动词) ’ll let you know ____ he comes back.A. before B. becauseC. as soon asD. althoughIt is about ten years _____ I met you last.A.since B. forB.C. whenD. asB.C. when D. as____ we got to the station, the train had left already.A.If B. UnlessC. Since D. When We didn’t go home _____ we finished the work.A. since B. until C. because D. thoughIt was not ______ she took off her dark glasses ______ I realized she was a ffiltAfamous film star. A. when; that B. until; that C. until; when D. when; thenhth tB. He was about halfway through his meal ______ a familiar voice came to his ears. A. why B. where C. when D. while Scientists say it may be five or six years ______ it is possible to test this medicine on human patients. A. since B. after C. before D. whe Why didn’t you tell him about the meeting?He rushed out of the room____I could say a word. A. before B. until C. when D. after _____ I accept that he is not perfect, I do actually like the person. A. While B. Since C. Before D. Unless Did you remember to give Mary the money you owed her?money you owed her?Yes. I gave it to her ______ I saw her. A. while B. the moment C. suddenly D. once 2. 让步状语从句引导词有:although, though, even if/though, as , while(尽管) whether…or…( 无论…还是… ),whoever= no matter whowhoever= no matter who whenever= no matter whenwhatever= no matter whatwherever= no matter wherehowever= no matter how 1)as 引导的让步从句要倒装, 句型为:形容词/ 副词/ 名词(不带冠词) / 动词(原形) +主语+谓语Young as he is, he knows a lot.Much as I like it, I can’t afford it.Farmer as he is he is well-educatedFarmer as he is, he is well-educated.Try as I might, I couldn’t lift the stone.2) although不倒装,不倒装, as 必须倒装though可倒装也可Although/Though he was ill he didn’t stop working. 3) no matter +疑问句引导让步状语从句No matter what happened, he shouldn’t mind.=Whatever happened, he shouldn’t mind.No matter who you are, you should obey the social rules.=Whoever you are, you should …oe e you a e, you s ou d4) whether …orWhether you believe it or not, it is true.whether… or…不管…还是…a. Whether the weather is good or bad, they will set off as they planned. B.Whether he drives or takes the train, he will be here on time. 1 、difficult it was. A. however B. no matter C. whatever D although 2、 The old tower must be saved, ______the cost. A. however B. whatever C. whichever D. wherever 对比训练 3 1 . Child ____ she is, she know a lot.2. He did the experiment ____ he was told.3. The pianos in the other shop will be cheaper, but not ____ good.A. during B. as C. so D. thoughE. both B and CHe tried his best to solve the problem, ___ 3. 地点状语从句引导词有: where, whereverI’ll follow you wherever you go.Where there is a will , there is a way.注意: 不要混同于where 引导的定语从句注意: 不要混同于where 引导的定语从句(有志者, 事竟成)与定语从句的区别: where引导定语从句,从句前有一个表示地点的名词。Go back where you came from.Go back to the village where you came from. When you read the book ,you 'd better make a mark ___ you have any question. A at which B at where C the place where D whereWhen you read the book ,you 'd better ymake a mark at the place _____ you have any question.A which B at whereC the place where D wherey 4. 原因状语从句由because, since, now that, as引导。(1). because 语气最强, 用来回答why提问,可用在强调句型中,引导的从句表示直接的、根本的原yin It was because he was ill that he didn’t go with us.(2).Since语气比because弱, 表示关系上的自然结果, 一般译成“既然, 鉴于” (往往放于主句之前) 表示显然的或已知的原表示显然的或已知的原因因..Since no one is against it ,let’s carry out the plan.(既然没人反对, …) (3).as语气最弱, 只说明一般的因果关系(可放于主句之前, 也可放于主句之后)Wear strong shoes as we shall do a lot of walking today.与与sincesince没多大区别(4).for也可以表示原因, 不是说明直接原因, 而是对某种情况加以推倒, 用于表示补充说明理由补充说明理由。He must be ill, for he is absent today.(5).now that用来说明一种新情况, 然后加以推理, now that放于句首时, that可省略。Now ( that) everybody is here, let’s begin.没多大区别 ______ the day went on, the weather got worse.A With B Since C While D AsA. With B. Since C. While D. AsHe took off his coat _______ he felt hot.A. because B. as C. if D. since 5. 目的状语从句引导词: in order that, so that(为了 ) ,for fear that , in case,谓语动词常含有can, could, may, might, will, would等情态动词。I’ll speak slowly so that everybody can understand me.He wrote the name down for fear that( in case) he would forget. in casein case与与for fear thatfor fear thatI will have to stay at home this evening I will have to stay at home this evening ______________ my teacher comes.______________ my teacher comes.in casein casebecause of the possibility of because of the possibility of sthsth happeninghappeningStudents of Class 13 are working hard Students of Class 13 are working hard theses days _________________ they theses days _________________ they might fail the exam.might fail the exam.for fear thatfor fear thatto avoid the danger of to avoid the danger of sthsth happeninghappening Ann listened carefully _____ she could discover what she needed.A. such thatB. in order thatC. becauseD. even though11 . I hurried ____ I wouldn’t be late for class.AiBA. sinceB. so thatC. as ifD. unlessth t 6. 结果状语从句:引导词有: so…that, such…that, so that常用句型:1)so+ adj. (adv.) + that2)so+ adj + a (an) + n +that2)so+ adj. + a (an) + n. +that3)Such +a (an) +adj. + n. + that4)Such +adj. + n (s) +thatHe spoke so fast that I couldn’t follow him.It was such a good day that we all went swimming. He left in ___a hurry ___he forgot to lock the door.A. such, that B. so, that B.C. such, as D. so, when.Farmers rotate (轮作) their crops _____ the soil will remain fertile.A. so that B. because of C. in order to D. rather thanIt was ____ a hundred people looked lost in it.A. so large a room that B. so large roomC. a such large room D. such large a roomHe has ____ little education that he can’t teach ____ little children. A. so; such B. too; such C. a; so D. very; so 7. 条件状语从句1. 由if, unless(= if not), so/ as long as(只要), suppose/supposing(假设,如果), in case(以防), on condition that, only if , if only引导。e g You may use the room as long as youe.g. You may use the room as long as you clean it up afterwards.2.“祈使句+and/ or/ or else/otherwise”引导的结果句, 祈使句在实际意义上相当于条件状语从句。Use you head, and you will find a way.Get up now, or you will be late. 1 、 The WTO cannot live up to its name ____ it does not include a country that is home to one fifth of mankind. A. as long as B. while2、It is known to all that _____ you exercise regularly, you won’t keep good health. A. unless B. whenever C. although D. if unless 相当于 if not, 意思是“除非…”“如果不…就…”。 这也是高考的热点之一。 复习时也应给予高度重视。1 、 _____ I can see, there is only one possible way to keep away from the danger. A. As long as B. As far as C. Just as D. Even if 2、 I always take something to read when I go to the doctor’s ________ I have to wait. A. in caseB. so that C. in order D. as if C. if D. even though 8. 方式状语从句引导词有: as(如同 ), as if/though (好像)They are talking as if (as though) they were old friends.注意:注意:as, like 都表示“像” ,as 是连词 , 后加句子like 是介词, 后加名词、 代词、 名词短语I work as others do .I work like others. 9.比较状语从句由as… as, not as/ so…as, than, the more… the moreHe ran as far as he could.The harder you try, the better you will understand. 四. 状语从句的时态问题问题1:1、 The house could fall down soon if no one______ some quick repair work. A has doneB is doingdone 2、 It is almost five years _______ we saw each other last time. A. before B. since C. after D. when 在条件, 时间和让步从句中, 用一般现在时表示一般将来时, 用现在完成时表将来完成时, 用一般过去时表过去将来时。 在 since 引导的时间状语从句中, 动词一般都用一般过去时, 而主句常用现在完成时。C doesD had 五、 状语从句的倒装问题问题1:1、 So difficult _____ it to live in an English-speaking country that I determined to learn English. A. I have felt B. have I felt C. I did feel D. did I feel2、 Not until all the fish died in the river _____ how serious the pollution was. A. did the villagers realize B. the villagers realizedC. the villagers did realize D. didn’t the villagers realize 状语从句的倒装一般有下面几种情况: ① 否定词开头; ② so 加 adj. 开头; ③ as / though引导的让步状语从句。Hardly had he got to the station when the train left.No sooner had he got to the station than the train left.Child as he is, he can speak seven foreign languages.

状语从句 Adverbial Clause,在复合句中作状语的从句,叫做状语从句。句子用作状语时,起副词作用。下面我就给大家介绍。


 1. 时间状语从句

 常用引导词:when, as, while, as soon as, before, after, since , till, until

 特殊引导词:the minute, the moment, the second, every time, the day,the instant, immediately , directly, no sooner … than, hardly …when, scarcely … when

I didn’t realize how special my mother was until I became an *** .

 While John was watching TV, his wife was cooking.

 The children ran away from the orchard果园 the moment they saw the guard.

 No sooner had I arrived home than it began to rain.

 Every time I listen to your advice, I get into trouble.

 2. 地点状语从句


 特殊引导词:wherever, anywhere, everywhere

 Generally, air will be heavily polluted where there are factories.

 Wherever you go, you should work hard.

 3. 原因状语从句

 常用引导词:because, since, as, for

 特殊引导词:seeing that, now that, in that, considering that, given that.

 My friends dislike me because I’m handsome and successful.

 Now that everybody has e, let’s begin our conference.

 The higher ine tax is harmful in that it may discourage people from trying to earn more.

 Considering that he is no more than 12 years old, his height of 1.80 m is quite remarkable.

 4. 目的状语从句

 常用引导词:so that, in order that

 特殊引导词:lest, in case, for fear that,in the hope that, for the purpose that, to the end that

 The boss asked the secretary to hurry up with the letters so that he could sign them.

 The teacher raised his voice on purpose that the students in the back could hear more clearly.

 5. 结果状语从句

 常用引导词:so … that, so… that, such … that,

 特殊引导词:such that, to the degree that, to the extent that, to such a degree that,

 He got up so early that he caught the first bus.

 It’s such a good chance that we must not miss it.

 To such an degree was he excited that he couldn’t sleep last night.

 6. 条件状语从句

 常用引导词:if, unless,

 特殊引导词:as/so long as, only if, providing/provided that, supposing that, in case that, on condition that

 We’ll start our project if the president agrees.

 You will certainly succeed so long as you keep on trying.

 Provided that there is no opposition, we shall hold the meeting here.

 7. 让步状语从句

 常用引导词:though, although, even if, even though

 特殊引导词: as用在让步状语从句中必须要倒装,while 一般用在句首 ,no matter …, in spite of the fact that, while, whatever, whoever, wherever, whenever, however, whichever

 Much as I respect him, I can’t agree to his proposal.

 尽管我很尊敬他, 我却不同意他的建议。

 The old man always enjoys swimming even though the weather is rough.

 No matter how hard he tried, she could not change her mind.

 He won’t listen whatever you may say.

 8. 比较状语从句

 常用引导词:as同级比较, than不同程度的比较

 特殊引导词:the more … the more … ; just as …, so…; A is to B what /as X is to Y; no … more than; not A so much as B

 She is as bad-tempered as her mother.

 The house is three times as big as ours.

 The more you exercise, the healthier you will be.

 Food is to men what oil is to machine. 食物之于人,犹如油之于机器。

 9. 方式状语从句

 常用引导词:as, as if, how

 特殊引导词:the way

 When in Rome, do as the Roman do.

 She behaved as if she were the boss.

 Sometimes we teach our children the way our parents have taught us.

 10. 状语从句的简化



 When the museum is pleted , the museum will be open to the public next year .

 He’ll go to the seaside for his holiday if it is possible.


 I’m taller than he is tall .

 The higher the temperature is, the greater the pressure is .


 状语从句的"简化"现象常存在于以下五种状语从句中:①由if, unless等引导的条件状语从句;②由although, though, even if / though等引导的让步状语从句;③由when, while, as, before, after, until / till等引导的时间状语从句;④由as, as if等引导的方式状语从句;⑤由as, than等引导的比较状语从句。下面针对这五种情形作一归纳。


 If it is possible, he will help you out of the difficulty.如果可能的话,他会帮你摆脱困境。

 You must attend the meeting unless it is inconvenient to you.除非情况对你来说不方便,否则你必须出席这次会议。



 As he was young, he learned how to ride a bike.他小时候就学会了骑自行车。

 Whenever she is free, she often goes shopping.她有空就去逛商店。

 Work hard when you are young, or you'll regret.少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲。


 While he was a young boy, he was always ready to help others.他在孩提时代就乐于助人。

 Although he was a farmer, now he is a famous director.尽管他曾是个农民,而现在是位著名的导演了。


 As she was walking along the river bank, she was singing a pop song.她沿着河堤边走边唱着流行歌曲。

 Although he is doing his best in maths these days, he has still got no good marks.尽管近来他一直在学数学,但他仍然没有取得好成绩。


 He won't go there with us unless he is invited.除非受到邀请,否则他不会和我们一道去那里。

 The concert was a great success than it was expected.这场音乐会出乎意料地取得了巨大成功。


 He stood up as if he were to say something.当时他站起来好像要说什么。He wouldn't solve the problem even if he were to take charge.即使他来负责,他也解决不了这个问题。

 f. 连词+介词短语

 She looked anxious as though she was in trouble.她看上去很焦急,好像遇到了麻烦。

 He had mastered the English language before he was in the USA.他到美国之前就懂英语了。


 When the meeting was over, all the people went out of the meeting-room.当会议结束时,人们都走出了会议室。=The meeting over



 I will call you as soon as I arrive in Beijing. 我一到北京就给你打电话。这是由as soon as引导的时间状语从句,从句中的谓语动词arrive是一般现在时,表示一般将来时,决不可用will arrive

 As soon as I have finished this work, I will go home. 我一完成此工作,就回家。从句中的谓语动词用现在完成时have finished,表示将来完成时,决不可用will have finished

 If he es back, please let me know.如果他回来了,请通知我。从句中的谓语动词用es back,表示一般将来时,决不可用will e back

文章标签: # 从句 # the # 状语